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Vacuum discussion
Here you can discuss everything, concerning Vacuum: updates, concerts, videos, albums, music, meetings, the future, present and past of Vacuum. Your fanlife is leading up to this forum.
1105 |
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19-10-2021 16:03 by wayn |
Wollbeck/Lindblom alliance creative work
Here you can discuss everything regarding the creative work of Wollbeck/Lindblom alliance for other musicians and singers: news, songwriting, songs releases, projects etc.
894 |
4189 |
19-10-2021 04:18 by wayn |
Related projects discussion
If you would like to talk about the projects or any other works related to Vacuum through their members or ex-members (Bodies Without Organs, Alcazar for example), start your topics here!
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3782 |
18-10-2021 22:04 by Idera_Community |
Off topics and free communication
Here you can discuss anything you want (music, cinema, different cultural and political topics, your own art and creative work and so on), play games and know more about each other. Echoes over offtops calling you write here :)
951 |
18020 |
06-10-2021 23:18 by jiuer7845 |
Foruum statistic for inquisitive ones:
This forum has 674 registered foruumists, 3137 topics and 58937 posts.
The newest registered foruumist is jazimo09.
Currently surfing 0 registered foruumists and 4 strangers. Most foruumists ever online was 231 (11-06-2021 15:59).
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