Vacuum Music Foruum / Copyrights
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The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
Although I speak no Russian to my shame :sad:   I gather that this topic is about copyright issues with using vacuum music in advertising ect... to me this is just another form of Piracy if they do not have permission or some sort of agreement with mattias...... yet another way to use Vacuums music without paying.... I am sure if vacuum were paid all their unpaid and due royalties things would be different.

david x

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

15-06-2004 09:53
Anatoly Ivanov
From: Saint Petersburg
Registered: 15-02-2004
Posts: 978
Yes, David!

Completely agree with you.  Piracy is everywere :(

15-06-2004 12:21
Mr. Belarus
From: Minsk
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 4461
В конце концов пиратство на постсоветском пространстве - явление неистребимое, но оно в конечном счете играет на руку популярности исполнителя.
Это вовсе не значит, что я за пиратство, просто факт остается фактом - если б не было пиратства, многие замечательные вещи до нас просто-напросто не доходили бы


16-06-2004 08:44
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