_______________________________________ I've locked my heart, I'll keep my feelings there I've stocked my heart with icy, frigid air And I mean to care for no one Because I'm through with love
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
I share your opinion, Marina, almost completely. I heard that idea of CA – parody of American style of life… IMHO, that video is parody on Bard’s creativity of AOL period… I can’t say that there is something special in that song, it sounds very insipid. And single’s sleeve… De ja vu… I saw Marina in almost same position on sofa somewhere before it… and you? P.S. I would like to remind you, that posting your posts in Russian is insulting for our European friends.
_______________________________________ Do you know that we will judge angles? Do you know that the saints will judge the world? Corinthians 6:2-3 (C)Silent Hill
Well, I don't know is this video praising new biotechnical wonders or showing its ugly and frightening side. Maybe both.
Dinosaurs didn't interfere into Nature. They didn't have the brain to do it. And still Nature erased them from the Earth. So, not interfering into Nature is not some particular clever option and on the other hand every intervention carry risks ...
Last edited by Masha (29-09-2004 05:48)
_______________________________________ Bring on the clouds Let the raindance begin
Dear Brute, it might be too insulting for you but I would like to remind you that this topic was jriginally posted in Russian and the first question in here was Russian, though the name of the video is surely in English. I have already seen a great example of an on-line interpreter, by the way, and I do not really think that this conference should be a 'cream of the society'. Nevertheless, I agree this is a problem and I do admit that it is NOT very polite to speak Russian all the time. Let's just post all the topics for discussion either in Russian or in English depending on what language we want to speak and with whom to share. It looks really WEIRD when in the middle of the talk somebody comes up with an English post. For those who'd like to show off, let's do English topics.
_______________________________________ I've locked my heart, I'll keep my feelings there I've stocked my heart with icy, frigid air And I mean to care for no one Because I'm through with love
_______________________________________ I've locked my heart, I'll keep my feelings there I've stocked my heart with icy, frigid air And I mean to care for no one Because I'm through with love
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
Everyone has own point of view, IMHO, it “looks really WEIRD” to start and support topic in Russian on interracial forum… especially after asking for many times about stop doing this. About insulting me, fortunately (or not fortunately, as You wish) it wasn’t insulting for me at all. BTW, xian zai wo neng gei ni shuo hua han uy, huo shi xi ing zhe you lai de zhen, shui neng shuo han uy, ni bu neng kan jian dian zi ji dian zai zhege di fang. Ni ming bai le, mei you wo de ju je, ma? P.S. Nothing insulting at all.
_______________________________________ Do you know that we will judge angles? Do you know that the saints will judge the world? Corinthians 6:2-3 (C)Silent Hill
It looks really WEIRD when in the middle of the talk somebody comes up with an English post. For those who'd like to show off, let's do English topics.
Really ?! You suggest that we should start absolutely the same topic in english ?
I think there is nothing more NATURAL as when a person wants to include others into discussion by trying to overcome language barriers ... and WEIRD is to encourage dividing between russian and english topics. Encouraging dividing is weird.
_______________________________________ Bring on the clouds Let the raindance begin
Дамы и господа, я начинаю топики на том, языке, на котором ХОЧУ, и продожаю их тоже на том языке, на котором ХОЧУ, независимо от того, нравится это кому-либо или нет.It's really no problem for me and it's not weird or strange!
Brute wrote:
BTW, xian zai wo neng gei ni shuo hua han uy, huo shi xi ing zhe you lai de zhen, shui neng shuo han uy, ni bu neng kan jian dian zi ji dian zai zhege di fang. Ni ming bai le, mei you wo de ju je, ma?
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
Dear Alex, You’re absolutely right “it's very stupid and foolish” to post your massages in such language, witch not everyone can understand (by the way, that phrase was written in one of the most popular language in the world) And finally, you should better say “can”, not “want” there is a difference.
2oLya: thanx!!
Last edited by Brute (30-09-2004 05:46)
_______________________________________ Do you know that we will judge angles? Do you know that the saints will judge the world? Corinthians 6:2-3 (C)Silent Hill
Dear Brute! Насчет самого популярного языка ты прав, а насчет всего остального... Я именно не ХОЧУ утруждать себя лишний раз писать на том языке, на котором мне достаточно трудно писать по причинам, о которых уже говорилось в других постах. Если я посчитаю нужным, напишу по английски, но лишь тогда, когда именно я посчитаю нужным это сделать. Так что позволь мне самому определять что я могу, а что хочу, и как мне лучше писать. Если же какой-нибудь иностранный товарищуж очень захочет понять, что я написал, он утрудит себя переводом, как это делаю я, когда мне интересно понять тот или иной пост на английском. Так что расслабься