Vacuum Music Foruum / It looks like.../ Ýòî ïîõîæå íà...
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Vacuum Music Foruum » Vacuum discussion » It looks like.../ Ýòî ïîõîæå íà... Topic closed
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From: KIEV/
Registered: 30-05-2004
Posts: 313
À àâàòàðû Power äåéñòâèòåëüíî ñóïåð! (Êðîìå òîãî êîòîðûé áûë ñ Áðèòíè Ñïèðñ- âñå -òàêè ìûøêè êóäà ñèìïàòè÷íåå! :smile:)

We travel different roads, but we are still the same

02-01-2005 05:34
Registered: 17-07-2004
Posts: 102
to Annette: thank You :)

Chromium is in my blood
Christopher, don't pacify me
Cinnamon is in my heart
Circus is life, clowns are we.

02-01-2005 13:32
~the shining spirit~
From: Moscow
Registered: 31-07-2004
Posts: 2651

Annette wrote:

À àâàòàðû Power äåéñòâèòåëüíî ñóïåð! (Êðîìå òîãî êîòîðûé áûë ñ Áðèòíè Ñïèðñ- âñå -òàêè ìûøêè êóäà ñèìïàòè÷íåå! :smile:)

Ïî÷åìó âñå òàê íå ëþáÿò Áðèòíè Ñïèðççç? Âðîäå áû ñèìïàòè÷íàÿ äåâ÷îíêà...

ïûñ.ïûñ: à êàê òåáå øèíøèëëà ñ ðîçîâûìè óøàìè? :-)

All secrets u will find Beyond the human mind.

03-01-2005 01:54
Mr. Belarus
From: Minsk
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 4461
To Lita:

êðàñèâàÿ àññîöèàöèÿ:)


03-01-2005 04:33
E-mail | Website  
Registered: 17-07-2004
Posts: 102
to Alex : ñïàñèáî :)

PS: â ïðèíöèïå, ýòî ïî÷òè ñöåíàðèé äëÿ êëèïà. Ïðàâäà, íåâîñòðåáîâàííûé :)


Chromium is in my blood
Christopher, don't pacify me
Cinnamon is in my heart
Circus is life, clowns are we.

04-01-2005 08:26
Registered: 17-07-2004
Posts: 102
I see it’s nothing more to say. So I think the topic is over. It’s time to write PS:                                                       

                                      My  Vacuum Dream
     I had my Vacuum Dream – I wanted understand this world and hoped someone would help me to do that… But now I know – we have different realities and can’t help each other.  It’s life? Yes, it’s life. It’s everything what You can see. It’s something what You need.
     I can’t stay the same one.  I’m changing… with You… without You… with me myself. You have your pain – I want to have my own one. And I’ll do. We want nothing, we need everything. It’s life. I won’t go with You more. I’ll stay with You.
      Let our angels protect us. I am where I am. I am who I am. I’m going ahead. Everything is for me… and for You. Everything is for us. We’ll find answers. Believe me. Believe You yourself. Let’s go. It’s time.
      Oh, look. Something is flying there. May be it’s… You know. Don’t be afraid. We are together. Still together.

                                                                                 With love, Lita  :angel:

Chromium is in my blood
Christopher, don't pacify me
Cinnamon is in my heart
Circus is life, clowns are we.

09-01-2005 06:58
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