Vacuum Music Foruum / Language Barrier
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Vacuum Music
Registered: 11-01-2004
Posts: 558
Kus,  :flower:


18-01-2005 07:01
The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007

Kus wrote:

The God wrote :
'Some people should be ashamed of the content of their posts made in Russian recently'
Its about me :)

I am in shame=)

No, Kus. It was definitely not about you. 100%. You can not be ashamed of your English. My one is not perfect as well...;-))

It was about people who had shown complete disrespect to certain Vacuum members. To ones who was not ashamed to defame them in Russian. That is why (IMHO) their posts were not in English.
That is why the forum sometimes becomes not only bilingual, but also two-faced.

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

18-01-2005 07:30
The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
Thanks Nika...... the voice of reason....  as I said I have no problem with people posting in Russian if they also explain in English what they are saying..... God and Kus your  English is fine... please dont worry about it your attemps to post in English will be applauded and not ridiculed..... as long as we understand what you are talking about its ok.. the grammer and spelling not so important....  as for those who felt they had to respond to this topic in Russian, my feeling is that you are just being rude..... If you are gonna insult people do it so that we can all read it.....  This forum is NOT a place to fight petty or personal quarrels or to insult people in Russian.... This place is a Great place to be... dont let it degenerate once again into  a battleground.


David x

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

18-01-2005 11:18
Vacuumist in the Void
Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527
Hi David, I agree, of course about this completely. I can understand that many topics are written in Russian as many people aren’t familiar much with English … but when people who know English still write in Russian almost always lately then it looks like they don’t care if we, others won’t understand … it’s like they say who cares for that …  and not to mention situations  when questions written in English by English speaking persons who don’t know Russian are answered in Russian … that’s so low and without any culture of communication …   

Dear Nika ... yes, voice of reason, considerate and fair as always... Thank you  :smile:

Bring on the clouds
Let the raindance begin

18-01-2005 13:06
Anatoly Ivanov
From: Saint Petersburg
Registered: 15-02-2004
Posts: 978
David, Masha, hello!

I need to apologize to you and other non-Russian speaking people here that I’ve been using lots of Russian words lately.
I always try to use English at this forum but sometimes when I receive replies in Russian I just can’t put my thoughts to English words properly and therefore use Russian.

But I will try to keep posting here preferably in English.

19-01-2005 08:05
Vacuum Music
Registered: 11-01-2004
Posts: 558
I am thinking about making the separate forums:
One for Non-Russian language, and another one for Russian. What do you think about it?


24-01-2005 06:36
Anatoly Ivanov
From: Saint Petersburg
Registered: 15-02-2004
Posts: 978
That would be the right way, Nika!!!

You have been asked for such separation many times.
Let you do it finally!

24-01-2005 17:15
Holy Ghost-Vacuumist
Registered: 19-01-2005
Posts: 204
Nika, you're right! >:-(  When I speak Russian on the foruum I feel myself guilty that some fans can't understand what we're talking about. Shame on us! :blush: And I have such opinion that members of our foruums pay a lot of attantion to BWO writing masseges in Russian. :lovevac: But I don't realy think we have to separate forrums: we have to respect other fans and to make others to do it, even if somebody has problems with Engl. Couse "to do something right" and "to do some difficult thing" are the same meanings.

Last edited by sycamore (25-01-2005 05:26)

"So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Him..." (Luke 19;4)

25-01-2005 05:18
The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
I have to say I agree with you 100% sycamore..... the idea of seperate language forums may seem like a soloution but really it just makes he barriers even greater....  The idea of a forum is that we can ALL join in together and share our views and discuss things together... If I wanted to talk with JUST English or European fans I can do that at home... a forum should be a place where people can come together from all over the world and unite together to discuss our love of vacuum and share our different views and opinions......
   I find it ironic that since my post regarding the language barriers that there seem to have been more posts in Russian than ever,in my opinion this will just segregate and push European fans and those of us that can only read English away...  would it not be easier to post something in Russian if you have to and then at the end also try and explain how you feel in English so we can at least understand the topic being discussed..... and even if the person posting the message has very little English maybe another person that replies could at least explain to others what is being discussed as I know that MANY of you here speak VERY good English...

Many of you here Know that I have been a regular on this forum from the very first day and I have made many friends here but I have to say that I feel almost an Anglophobia being practised at the moment and feel that this has become a very unfriendly place to be :tears:  almost to the point where I feel no longer welcome here...

This I state is just MY opinion and have no wish to start another of those stupid flame wars here... NIka works exteemly hard here on this site and cannot please everybody all of the time... if this post offends anybody then I apologise but I just think this situation is getting worse.

:lovevac:   David x

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

25-01-2005 05:41
Highest Vacuumist

Registered: 23-09-2004
Posts: 43
I think we all just have to try to express ourselves in English here on this Foruum. Non Russian speaking vacuum people shouldn’t feel being left outside the discussions. And English language is in demand on today labour market, so to learn it is only good for us! (I speak not very well but talking here makes me take a vocabulary and learn new words). Let the language will be just one more thing to unite vacuum people. So, my opinion is not to make Russian foruum, but to keep the International One. 


Keep love close and don't ever let go

25-01-2005 07:46
The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
Unexisted :flower:    your English is VERY good..... this isnt a school so people shouldnt be afraid to make a few mistakes.... as long as we understand each other in this big vacuum family... THATS what matters..

david x

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

25-01-2005 11:29
Highest Vacuumist

Registered: 23-09-2004
Posts: 43
nukleopatra :heart: Couldn't agree more with You! Understanding...   :lovevac:

Keep love close and don't ever let go

25-01-2005 12:08
Vacuumist in the Void
Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527
Separating forums would be a step backwards ...

Sycamore, you have a great signature !  Welcome to foruum !

"Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me." ( Mathew 11:6)   :smile:  :winky:

Bring on the clouds
Let the raindance begin

25-01-2005 17:34
~the shining spirit~
From: Moscow
Registered: 31-07-2004
Posts: 2651
Mmmmmmmm *thinking*

Ok ok!!! I ll try to write in English!!! I SWEAR!!! Have u seen it?

BUT... PLEEEAAASEEE!!!! DON`T divide THE COMMON FORUUM into two forums..It will separate us even more..... :tearsineyes:  :tearsineyes:  :tearsineyes:

*loud sobs*

All secrets u will find Beyond the human mind.

26-01-2005 04:18
Shining Vacuumist
From: Suomi
Registered: 22-12-2004
Posts: 692
Yes. I think, two Foruums is not good idea. But I am speaking in English some bad.

No matter what it takes
No matter what you say

26-01-2005 04:29
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