Registered: 24-01-2005
Posts: 1
Hello everyone...I'm new;D I;m from Poland and my english is terrible so please don't laugh... Ok I'm not a Vacuum fan...I don't know who are they...
I would like to buy their album but it is not avaiable in Poland;/ So can you tell where can i download vacuum' song for free? Not the entire album...
I just wanna download "Your whole life is leading up to this" ,"They do it" and "Mind your mind"...Please help me... When album is in Poland I will buy it! I promise....Thank you veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much...
24-01-2005 08:44 |
I don't think the songs can be downloaded entirely; I suppose you can hear bits of them by going to the links suggested in the main page of vacuum-music. If you want to buy the album from Internet, you can go to http://www.cdon.com/main.phtml?navroot=906
24-01-2005 09:09 |
Vacuum Music
Registered: 11-01-2004
Posts: 558
Witam gościa z Polski I wrote here, but have just found out, that the album will be released in Poland soon. So wait for a little Or, if you have got a credit card, or course you can buy the album online on CDON or Skivhugget, like Cecilia has already written.
24-01-2005 09:31 |