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Registered: 27-01-2004
Posts: 315
Завтра в середине дня в Киев приезжают BWO! Следите за эфирами муз-каналов и радио...

Last edited by Zemlyansky (25-01-2005 02:05)

I'm a homicidal maniac, they look just like everyone else.

(c) The Addams Family

25-01-2005 01:20
Holy Ghost-Vacuumist
Registered: 19-01-2005
Posts: 204
Пасиба тебе, Maxi, за инфу. А в каком сосатве и где они будут давать интервью, если будут? Хотя, если чесно, даже если Бард и будет презентовать в Киеве альбом BWO, они пока не будут такими популярными, как Вакуум в свое время - не замечаю я такого ажиотажа вокруг нового Сашиного проекта. :lovevac:

"So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Him..." (Luke 19;4)

25-01-2005 05:04

насчет Вакуума полностью согласен! ;)

25-01-2005 07:01
Registered: 27-01-2004
Posts: 315
Скажем так, VACUUM стал популярен в 98 году, т.е. через год после выхода своего первого альбома. Посмотрим, что ожидает BWO.

I'm a homicidal maniac, they look just like everyone else.

(c) The Addams Family

26-01-2005 19:01
Registered: 27-01-2004
Posts: 315
Сегодня в 14-00 на ХИТ-ФМ интервью с Александром Бардом!

Вопросы присылаются на

Last edited by Zemlyansky (27-01-2005 01:24)

I'm a homicidal maniac, they look just like everyone else.

(c) The Addams Family

27-01-2005 00:27
Highest Vacuumist

Registered: 23-09-2004
Posts: 43
Hope it's allowed to place an interview with BWO here (what have been just heard and written down by memory).
The radio interview began with the performance of BWO single “Sitxeen Tons Of Hardware”.
  :cool: -A friend of my, not very famous producer said to me once: “When you are tired from your activities you became a producer for not to do anything.” So, in your case is this right?
   :gitler: (Alex)-I had been working with Alcazar, Vacuum, had written a book so long. I’m happy to be on the stage with BWO now. I think it’s the best project ever.
   (Max-m from Odessa)-What do you think is the most important to win Eurovision, the best decision to win- the great vision images or the great song that one can remember? 
    :colpac: All things are important, I think. Like Ruslana had a great vision efects and it halped her to win. In Sweden there is a competition between Alcazar and BWO to go to Eurovision. If we loose we’ll have the opportunity to concentrate on the concerts activity.
      :cool: We know Marina has Ukrainian root. Maybe she would like to participate in Ukraine for Eurovision?
      :gitler: We’ll be happy even to loose in Sweden to come to participate in Ukraine.
       :cool:  -Why didn’t you aske Jan-Pier Barda to join your band? He looks great in some BWO clips.
        :gitler:  Jan-Pier is our friend, the author of several songs, but he doesn’t play any instruments and I and Marina play the laptops, Martin is the vocalist. So, there is nothing to do for him on the stage during the concerts.
         :cool: -We’ve heard Martin came to BWO through the  caraoki. Do you practice it till now?
          :colpac: These happened 3 years ago accualy. I was hanging with my friends in a caraoki bar. We  had some drink, I sung caraoki and a friend of Alex said to him “you should get in contact with this guy”.
          :cool:  -What did you drink in thas bar?
           :colpac:  I don’t remember what I drank, still it’s a good education not to drink to much.
          :cool: -We all know a song of AOL called “Carry my urn to Ukraine”. Alex, were you afraid of Ukraine then?
           :gitler:   No no, the idea of the song is when I die I should be buried in Ukraine as this is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
            :cool:  -On the album Martin replays the whole chorus of five of even more voices. What will do Martin on live concerts: how will he manage to sing for the whole chorus?
          :colpac:  I will sing my part only and some people for the back vocals will be invited.
          :gitler:  Also I will do some bacs. My voise is goon enough for this.
          :cool:  -How is the fishing in Sweden?
          :colpac:  My father is a big big fishing fan so am I. It’s getting better with every year in Sweden. We’ve a lot of kinds of fishes.
          :cool:  -Why BWO didn’t use the stylist Camila Tulin who had been working for ten years with AOL?
           :gitler:  BWO is the electronic pop band. We use fasion. AOL was more theatrical. BWO is woking with a London stylist now.
          :cool:  -Why do you use Internet and computer composing the music?
          :colpac:  It’s more practical and faster to write music by computer and discussing our musical ideas using Internet. If I need the sound of balalayka it’s enough to load the computer program not to order the whole orchestra instruments from abroad.
           :cool:  -What’s your cultural program in Kiev? Maybe you’ll go to some museums, would like to visite the Maydan?
           :gitler:  We don’t have a time. We had a dinner with ukrainian famous singer Slava Vakarchuk. We’ll have a very tough schedul unfortunately.
             :cool:  - What did you eat?
            :colpac:   :gitler:  We ate only ukrainian food here.
             :cool:  -In saying good-bye caould you wish something to all ukrainian people?
             :gitler:  We hope during next 3 months to come back with live concerts. With Marina.
             :cool:  Thanx to Martin, thanx to Alexander Bard.

Keep love close and don't ever let go

27-01-2005 08:06
Mr. Belarus
From: Minsk
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 4461
To Unexisted:

Thank you very much!

To Zemlyanski:

Very good question!


27-01-2005 08:19
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Vacuum Music
Registered: 11-01-2004
Posts: 558
Unexisted, thank you very much for the interview! :kiss: :flower: I like your "picture legend":
:colpac: - Martin
:gitler: - Bard
:cool: - interviewer


27-01-2005 08:24
~the shining spirit~
From: Moscow
Registered: 31-07-2004
Posts: 2651
Hah-hah-hah!!!! Cool!!! Thank u, dear Unexisted for this interview!

All secrets u will find Beyond the human mind.

27-01-2005 08:34

Thank youuuuuuuuuu!!!!

interview is realy good!

27-01-2005 09:21
Registered: 27-01-2004
Posts: 315
Расскажу по секрету, что вопросов от ведущего было всего два: про балалайку и рыбалку :wacko:  Всё остальное - наших рук дело (липких и шаловливых). :gen:

I'm a homicidal maniac, they look just like everyone else.

(c) The Addams Family

28-01-2005 16:08
Registered: 27-01-2004
Posts: 315
На сайте можно узреть фотографии Барда и Мартина, которые сделала Ира с фанатами AOL в Киеве.

I'm a homicidal maniac, they look just like everyone else.

(c) The Addams Family

30-01-2005 14:29
High Vacuumist
Registered: 18-02-2004
Posts: 26
стесняюсь поинтересоваться, а почему Марина не приехала на свою историческую родину???

30-01-2005 15:18
Registered: 27-01-2004
Posts: 315
Она приедет где-то в апереле с BWO в Киев на концерт. А пока это был промо-визит (общение с журналистами)

I'm a homicidal maniac, they look just like everyone else.

(c) The Addams Family

30-01-2005 16:21
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