Vacuum Music Foruum / Почему Маттиас это - V//, а не Маттиас Линдблом?!
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Shining Vacuumist

From: Moscow
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 677

wonder wrote:

Как вы относитесь к остальным проектам? С такой же любовью или, наоборот?

Если бы я не запала в своё время на песни группы "Вакуум", я бы до сих пор не знала, что есть такой человек Александр Бард. Наверное всё дело в том, что ни один из остальных проектов не произвёл на меня такого же сильного впечатления. Да, мне нравилась когда то Армия Любовников, но не настолько, чтобы я начала узнавать кто стоит у истоков. Поэтому могу сказать словами Maxi-m, заменив только одно слово:Любви к Барду и его проектам (к счастью) у меня не наблюдается. Естественно исключаем группу Вакуум   ;-)

31-01-2005 02:17
Mr. Belarus
From: Minsk
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 4461
To Annette:

Maxi-M, вероятнее всего, имел в виду то, что ему не нравиться тот Вакуум, который сейчас представляет из себя Матиас и Андерс. Только и всего


31-01-2005 04:05
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Кавайные Ушки
From: Russia, Volzhskiy
Registered: 11-12-2004
Posts: 1257
А я думаю что прежнее название оставили потому, что оно уже достаточно известно. А большинство людей, которые слушают V/ понятие не имеют, кто такой Маттиас, за исключением фанов. Зачем занимаься раскруткой нового имени, если можно продолжать под старым и достаточно широко известным?


02-02-2005 03:14
Ulysses Vacuumist
From: Krasnoyarsk^^
Registered: 21-12-2004
Posts: 302
Но некоторые, не очень продвинутые слушатели группы надеялись услышать баритон Маттиаса (моя подруга например) Новый имедж и я считаю, что прежнее название прославлено именно баритонам Маттиаса.

At times, it is possible for the smell of blood to be like laughter.(с)

02-02-2005 07:44
Holy Ghost-Vacuumist
Registered: 19-01-2005
Posts: 204
I don't think VACUUM has to chang its name because of some peculiaritys or changes in Mattias's voice. It's not logical. :hmm: Voice has changed, I love "Plutonium" voice much more, :biggrin: But nobody makes to listen to new Vacuum anybody of us. Mattias didn't have a choice what kind of voice to sing. I love present Vacuum so much, somebody doesn't - it's a right of everybody. Mattias proved they can exist without Bard's influence - it's great! :good:

"So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Him..." (Luke 19;4)

02-02-2005 15:24
Registered: 17-07-2004
Posts: 102

Midnight_girl wrote:

А я думаю что прежнее название оставили потому, что оно уже достаточно известно. А большинство людей, которые слушают V/ понятие не имеют, кто такой Маттиас, за исключением фанов. Зачем занимаься раскруткой нового имени, если можно продолжать под старым и достаточно широко известным?

Согласна, и, на мой взгляд, это наиболее веская причина для неизменения названия.

Chromium is in my blood
Christopher, don't pacify me
Cinnamon is in my heart
Circus is life, clowns are we.

03-02-2005 09:14
Vacuumist in the Void
Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527
Well, we discussed this before … and I will not begin to defend Bard again (that is I’ll try not to :smile: )
Now I think this is a very subjective thing – what we see and like in Vacuum and according to that – our judgement about what or who Vacuum is or was.

I must say I don’t agree with The God when he says that Bard does cheap pop projects.
My God !  :smile:
Cheap pop lyrics do not contain lines like “ sweet  global warming, marvel at the beauty of space “ … they don’t  deal with such themes while Bard always did that and still does. The same meaning is of  Hurrah, hurrah, apocalypse  and  Atlas shrugged tonight … Bard has always changed many diametrically different styles of his projects like different clothes in which he wrapped the very same philosophy. Extravagant AoL, scientific religious Vacuum, disco Alcazar, modern Bwo … 

New Vacuum album doesn’t have that philosophy … to me it seems it was not its intention to deal with any philosophy … it’s more individual expressions … like Shadow said in her review something like it’s more music just from heart to heart. 
New Vacuum is definitely not like the old one and which one of them deserves the name Vacuum – maybe we shouldn’t think in that direction at all.
Bands change their style, their philosophy and that’s it.

Thanks to The God, Power, Sycamore, Annette …  for writing in English , so that we can join the discussion too !  :smile:  Thinking of others is one of the greatest virtues a man can have, I believe. :heart:

Last edited by Masha (03-02-2005 13:59)

Bring on the clouds
Let the raindance begin

03-02-2005 12:58
From: Valhalla
Registered: 24-01-2004
Posts: 576

Masha wrote:

New Vacuum album doesn’t have that philosophy … to me it seems it was not its intention to deal with any philosophy … it’s more individual expressions … like Shadow said in her review something like it’s more music just from heart to heart.

Yes – I see new Vacuum as music directly from heart to heart. And I wrote it in my review for the album (as you mention).
But why do you consider this way as devoid of philosophy? It’s just another level of philosophy (IMHO). Each soul (read – heart) includes the whole world. And when any heart speaks to another one… What a SPACE for philosophy!!! Deep inner philosophy of much deeper and much wider level, darling… Bard’s “philosophy” declared with all that catchy, loud and bright sentences appears shallow one in comparison…

"I'll take the shot for you/I'll be the shild for you/Needless to say - I'll stand in your way/I'll take the shot for you..."

:whistle: I will talk and Hollywood will listen :tongue:  [RW]

04-02-2005 16:51
The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007

Masha wrote:

I must say I don’t agree with The God when he says that Bard does cheap pop projects.
My God !  :smile:
Cheap pop lyrics do not contain lines like “ sweet  global warming, marvel at the beauty of space “ … they don’t  deal with such themes while Bard always did that and still does. The same meaning is of  Hurrah, hurrah, apocalypse  and  Atlas shrugged tonight … Bard has always changed many diametrically different styles of his projects like different clothes in which he wrapped the very same philosophy. Extravagant AoL, scientific religious Vacuum, disco Alcazar, modern Bwo … 

Well, in spite of "sophisticated" lyrics, all Bard's projects (except Vacuum) are typical commercial pop projects. Maybe not that cheap...;-)) BTW, with all my great respect to Vacuum, Bard's Vacuum was also commercial pop. At least I percive it this way as marketing specialist. At the same time current Vacuum seems to be open-hearted. Even if it does not bring prper commercial success. That is why they win now even stronger respect from my side.

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

04-02-2005 17:21
Holy Ghost-Vacuumist
Registered: 19-01-2005
Posts: 204
Vacuum is the most harmonical band Bard has ever made. Voice, style, music, lyrics were made for each other and united into the one something great we love so much. What about another projects, so they were not so cheep because of some proffesional peoples like Wollbek, Hanson and meny others who worked and stills working with Bard. Army had almost nothing (no normal voice, no deep sense in lyrics), but idea! just idea of making such band of members, who could just open mouthes like nutcrackers. Alcazar is disco band with good singers, but ordinary texts and music. Even Bard's calling time of working with them "prostitution". And now we have BWO - the worst (to my mind) Bard's project. Music is on the lowest level, voice is not on the highest. They don't have such extravagantion and explosive energy like Army had, don't have such rhytmical and good-arrenged songs that would get high levels in dance charts, like Alcazar did. And I don't wanna to compare 'em with Vacuum. Now only Bard's name is working for him and his money, that are so attrective for Marina - she's going to run with Sasha everywhere. So, I wanna say I'd like to say at the begining - Bard is very creativ nature, he's very good for extraordinary ideas, but not musicant. And his projects were really cheep, but Vacuum managed to go on without Bard, proving us their strenghs. If Bard worked alone with Vacuum, we'd have something like BWO. Vacuum was great as idea, but now it's greater as MUSIC.

"So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Him..." (Luke 19;4)

04-02-2005 18:55
Vacuumist in the Void
Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527

Shadow wrote:

But why do you consider this way as devoid of philosophy? It’s just another level of philosophy (IMHO). Each soul (read – heart) includes the whole world. And when any heart speaks to another one… What a SPACE for philosophy!!! Deep inner philosophy of much deeper and much wider level, darling… Bard’s “philosophy” declared with all that catchy, loud and bright sentences appears shallow one in comparison…

Well, philosophy is sitematization of ideas which mostly float  in art, defining them scientifically. That's why when you express something through philosophical words it can sound  colder ( like in a Bard's book ) compared to how it sounds when you express that in art. Philosophy is not art , but art sometimes expresses philosophical ideas in its artistic way.

Last edited by Masha (05-02-2005 03:20)

Bring on the clouds
Let the raindance begin

05-02-2005 03:07
Registered: 17-07-2004
Posts: 102
Go :


Chromium is in my blood
Christopher, don't pacify me
Cinnamon is in my heart
Circus is life, clowns are we.

05-02-2005 06:18
Mr. Belarus
From: Minsk
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 4461

sycamore wrote:

Vacuum is the most harmonical band Bard has ever made. Voice, style, music, lyrics were made for each other and united into the one something great we love so much. What about another projects, so they were not so cheep because of some proffesional peoples like Wollbek, Hanson and meny others who worked and stills working with Bard. Army had almost nothing (no normal voice, no deep sense in lyrics), but idea! just idea of making such band of members, who could just open mouthes like nutcrackers. Alcazar is disco band with good singers, but ordinary texts and music. Even Bard's calling time of working with them "prostitution". And now we have BWO - the worst (to my mind) Bard's project. Music is on the lowest level, voice is not on the highest. They don't have such extravagantion and explosive energy like Army had, don't have such rhytmical and good-arrenged songs that would get high levels in dance charts, like Alcazar did. And I don't wanna to compare 'em with Vacuum. Now only Bard's name is working for him and his money, that are so attrective for Marina - she's going to run with Sasha everywhere. So, I wanna say I'd like to say at the begining - Bard is very creativ nature, he's very good for extraordinary ideas, but not musicant. And his projects were really cheep, but Vacuum managed to go on without Bard, proving us their strenghs. If Bard worked alone with Vacuum, we'd have something like BWO. Vacuum was great as idea, but now it's greater as MUSIC.

Are you really listen ALL Army fo lovers and Alcazar songs?In the some songs sense oin lyric more much deeper than Vacuum songs now!!!!


05-02-2005 06:40
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From: Valhalla
Registered: 24-01-2004
Posts: 576

Masha wrote:

Well, philosophy is sitematization of ideas which mostly float  in art, defining them scientifically.
Sure, philoshphy is systematization of ideas. Indeed. And that’s why it’s not art (as you mention below). It’s science. And when you endow anyone’s art with real scientific qualities (like you do concerning Bard’s projects) you make a big and funny logical mistake.
Anyone’s artistic creative activity based on his own philosophical knowleges (or just only sensations and guesses) can just awaken our thinking process and lead to our real scientific interest in philosophy. Can only lead, but not to be a substitution of real science.

The problem is that you (and all who think like you about Bard’s projects) put much more meaning into just pop music than it includes really. It’s just art and noway science.
It just can refer to some global problems (and human love and other human feelings among them are not least things to pay attention to, since all the rest are just effects of feelings).
And art doesn’t solve global problems. It even can’t approach to any solution.

Your concept is based on declared poetic postulate:«Поэт в России больше, чем поэт.»
(Translation:”A poet in Russia is more than a poet.”)
People who are products of soviet and post-soviet educational system will always bear within any extent that burden of try to solve by art some global human problems…

Anyway, I’d  :winky:“raising the monument”:biggrin:  to Bard as a great popularizer of science among youth. By accessible language of pop music he could awake schoolchild’s interest to study such difficult subjects like physics, astronomy etc. And even stimulate philosophical attitude of mind. Honor and praise to him! :biggrin:

But all what you consider as philosophy in his works is rather pseudo-philosophy. Adapted to be accessible for wide circle of people.
One shouldn’t take it soooo seriously. It’s just music. Pop music, btw. :biggrin:

If to say about neo Vacuum… I don’t see Mattias’ and Wollbeck’s pretensions to perform themselves as great philosophers. They just create in their natural manner with open hearts. And that frankness is able to awake so many thoughts in minds of people. That frankness opens space for philosophers. For true ones and for  :winky: homegrown primitive ones :rolleyes: like we all are here on the forum. But that frankness doesn’t substitute true science as Philosophy is.

Masha wrote:

Philosophy is not art , but art sometimes expresses philosophical ideas in its artistic way.
Sure, darling! Sure! Read above. :biggrin:
Just expresses. Just a small part… Just to open your mind… Just to half-open… Slightly…

:rab:  :rabbit:  :dance:  :guitar:  :coza:  :wall:  :flower:

Last edited by Shadow (05-02-2005 16:51)

"I'll take the shot for you/I'll be the shild for you/Needless to say - I'll stand in your way/I'll take the shot for you..."

:whistle: I will talk and Hollywood will listen :tongue:  [RW]

05-02-2005 10:31
Vacuumist in the Void
Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527

Алекс wrote:

In the some songs sense oin lyric more much deeper than Vacuum songs now!!!!

Absolutely , Aleks !!!   :app:    100 % true  :smile:

Shine On is No.1 ... brilliant lyrics, music and singing performance !!!

Bring on the clouds
Let the raindance begin

05-02-2005 13:24
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