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Registered: 27-01-2005
Posts: 18
I like both styles of singing, but prefer new... cos it's so emotional, beatiful... and... original.. Don't you think so? ::)

02-02-2005 11:09
x-lady N
High Vacuumist
From: St-Petersburg
Registered: 11-03-2004
Posts: 32
Приветствую всех!
Давненько я не оставляла здесь сообщений  :silent: , но на этот раз просто не смогла удержаться, чтобы не присоединиться к ностальгирующим по прежнему вокалу Маттиаса, я тоже скучаю по мощному вокалу 2000-2002 годов, правда, некоторые песни с последнего альбома очаровывают своей мелодичностью, однако сильный мощный вокал их украсил бы ещё больше, передавая силу чувств и эмоций, разве нет?

02-02-2005 13:17
The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
I think the main dfference in mattias vocal is that he has matured as a singer and has a far greater and wider range now than on the earlier albums.... I dont think it can be called a pop style as I have heard Mattias do many different types of vocal... even Heavy Metal... :bigeyes:   So I think That Mattias's voice can be adapted to whatever type of song he is singing at the time..

David x

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

02-02-2005 13:50
~the shining spirit~
From: Moscow
Registered: 31-07-2004
Posts: 2651
David: Heavy metal??? Cool! It would be interesting to listen to :-)

`Pop `is such a word the meaning of what we can imagine. It is an generalized word for all styles Mattias sings after the old VACUUM.

As for me, I prefer both styles of his singing :-)

All secrets u will find Beyond the human mind.

02-02-2005 14:06
The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007

nukleopatra wrote:

I think the main dfference in mattias vocal is that he has matured as a singer

I dont think it can be called a pop style

Absolutely agree with you, David. Though I miss the power of his early performance and hope he will come back to it for some future songs

nukleopatra wrote:

I have heard Mattias do many different types of vocal... even Heavy Metal...

I'd give half of kingdom for that. It's my crazy dream to hear Mattias singing heavy metal one day. Even more precise. I hope that one day Apocaliptica will engage Mattias for their new single as they do with various artists. Before I dreamed about two guest vocals for them: Mattias Lindblom and Ville Valo. Ville has already done his good job vith cello-metallers. Now it's time for Mattias...;-))

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

02-02-2005 15:55
Registered: 19-01-2005
Posts: 1348
I think Matty voice change all the time. It`s great! But I miss him opera themes too!

02-02-2005 16:49
From: Valhalla
Registered: 24-01-2004
Posts: 576

The God wrote:

I'd give half of kingdom for that.
I'd give mine one :winky:

The God wrote:

It's my crazy dream to hear Mattias singing heavy metal one day.
:biggrin: You've missed to mention your dear :-) friend :winky: (whose crazy dream was the same from the very beginning) :rolleyes: 

The God wrote:

I hope that one day Apocaliptica will engage Mattias for their new single as they do with various artists. Before I dreamed about two guest vocals for them: Mattias Lindblom and Ville Valo. Ville has already done his good job vith cello-metallers. Now it's time for Mattias...;-))
:smile: Let your words to God's ears! :winky:

Actually, after Ville&Lauri duo with Apocalyptica I have even more crazy dream... :winky: About a duo Mattias&Ville with Apocalyptica... (just don't bit me, please)

Last edited by Shadow (02-02-2005 18:04)

"I'll take the shot for you/I'll be the shild for you/Needless to say - I'll stand in your way/I'll take the shot for you..."

:whistle: I will talk and Hollywood will listen :tongue:  [RW]

02-02-2005 17:27
Holy Ghost-Vacuumist
Registered: 19-01-2005
Posts: 204

nukleopatra wrote:

I think the main dfference in mattias vocal is that he has matured as a singer and has a far greater and wider range now than on the earlier albums

David x

You're right, David, but Mattias will never be able to thing his old Symphonic-Plutonical voice. It's too late to talk about it, that voice was really voice of Vacuum. And Mattias didn't have a choice of what kind of vocal to sing - we have that we have. If he as a singer has  a far greater and wider range why doesn't he let us to hear it? I still love Mattias's voice very much, but don't see reasons to think his vocal posibilities will improve.

"So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Him..." (Luke 19;4)

03-02-2005 15:27
The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007

Shadow wrote:

Actually, after Ville&Lauri duo with Apocalyptica I have even more crazy dream... :winky: About a duo Mattias&Ville with Apocalyptica... (just don't bit me, please)

I think Mattias wold like it.
Or maybe trio with Dave and Morten?...;-))

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

04-02-2005 17:26
Holy Ghost-Vacuumist
Registered: 19-01-2005
Posts: 204
To The God:
don't ya mean Morten Harket?

"So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Him..." (Luke 19;4)

04-02-2005 17:54
Registered: 17-07-2004
Posts: 102
Go :


Chromium is in my blood
Christopher, don't pacify me
Cinnamon is in my heart
Circus is life, clowns are we.

05-02-2005 06:19
The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007

sycamore wrote:

To The God:
don't ya mean Morten Harket?

I do. And Dave Gahan as well. In his early interviews Mattias was always referring to them as musiciants/vocals that inspired him much.

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

05-02-2005 08:11
Registered: 19-01-2005
Posts: 1348
зато теперь как он только не пытает свой голос разными примочками

08-02-2005 11:38
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