Dead Vacuumist From: Spb
Registered: 29-01-2004
Posts: 219
Oh, mine! Baby, are you fine?? Not running a high temperature? Ah? Satanism is not the best of religions, you know!
_______________________________________ I've locked my heart, I'll keep my feelings there I've stocked my heart with icy, frigid air And I mean to care for no one Because I'm through with love
Oh, Bagira, love, I'm as good as I can, no need to worry.
Satanism can be discussed... O__o I guess. Though my health runs along with Satanism and can be discussed.
_______________________________________ Counting the scattered flowers, this pain that has started to ache again...
Unforgiven - BLOOD
21-04-2005 16:11
Gillespie From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
Lamia wrote:
Dear Brute, are you going to share some thoughts on the trends you are seeing?
Honestly, personally I think that Vacuum, especially new Vacuum, is full of philosophical ideas and statements, which are close to some religion points of view. For example, They Do It video… no, Video: you understand it absolutely different if you know Buddhism a bit, in other case some events and actions could be a mysterious for you…
_______________________________________ Do you know that we will judge angles? Do you know that the saints will judge the world? Corinthians 6:2-3 (C)Silent Hill
Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Buddhism. Do more research on Buddhism and possibly consider becoming Buddhist, if you are not already.
In Buddhism, there are Four Noble Truths: (1) Life is suffering. (2) All suffering is caused by ignorance of the nature of reality and the craving, attachment, and grasping that result from such ignorance. (3) Suffering can be ended by overcoming ignorance and attachment. (4) The path to the suppression of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation. These eight are usually divided into three categories that base the Buddhist faith: morality, wisdom, and samadhi, or concentration. In Buddhism, there is no hierarchy, nor caste system; the Buddha taught that one's spiritual worth is not based on birth.
Last edited by Marina (22-04-2005 03:13)
22-04-2005 03:09
The God
Vacuumiracle From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007
Bagira wrote:
Oh, mine! Baby, are you fine?? Not running a high temperature? Ah? Satanism is not the best of religions, you know!
C'mon! Satanism is not a religion at all. I can not imagine people whou truly adore Satan and pray him. Single cases of Satanism are usually insanes or stupid teens, listening extreme music.
But in this test people are classified as close to Satanism by neglecting and denying some Christian aspects. That's all.
But let's not forget that Lucifer was an angel initially...
For ones who is interested I would recommend the book "the Gospel from Lucifer" by Glen Dunkan.
_______________________________________ If you want to burn the witches - Here I am If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands
22-04-2005 03:50
Vacuumist in the Void Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527
Results surprised me! I know very little about islam actually … and mostly not bright things which I see on TV ( fanatic terrorists , poor women rights there …)
This is what results of this test say : Your beliefs are most similar to those of Islam. Do more research on Islam and possibly consider taking the shahadah and officially becoming a Muslim, if you aren't already. Despite the actions of some - who go against the teachings of Islam - Islam is a religion of peace; the word "islam" means "peace through submission to God." "Muslim" means "one who submits to God." Islam is the third of the three Abrahamic faiths, and it shares much with Judaism in Christianity; its differences are the acceptance of Muhammad as the last and final prophet, and the oneness of God - in other words, that Jesus, though he was a revered prophet, was not in fact God, and only one God exists. Apparently the Taliban could not read (though their name means "students"), because the Qur'an states that men and women are equal as believers, and that all believers should be educated and seek knowledge. Modesty in dress and behavior is required in Islam for both men and women to preserve the values of society and move the emphasis from superificial appearance to intelligence, knowledge, and God.
Well yes, I’m always for piece , as in this foruum ( The God knows that best ) so like that everywhere !
Last edited by Masha (25-04-2005 01:31)
_______________________________________ Bring on the clouds Let the raindance begin
22-04-2005 12:07
Vacuumist in the Void Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527
Brute wrote:
Honestly, personally I think that Vacuum, especially new Vacuum, is full of philosophical ideas and statements, which are close to some religion points of view. For example, They Do It video… no, Video: you understand it absolutely different if you know Buddhism a bit, in other case some events and actions could be a mysterious for you…
Brute, could you tell us which elements of Buddhism you see in They Do It video ?
It would be so interesting to hear !
_______________________________________ Bring on the clouds Let the raindance begin
22-04-2005 12:17
Gillespie From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
Well, if describe the plot of TDI Video a bit primitive and simple… I understand it in following way: Executor came for prophet to take him from this world. Prophet died not like other humans, he turned into the water and bright light which has flashed the room. Such death is typical for Buddhism’s point of view. Buddhists believe that priest, which has achieved success in his spiritual evolution dies in ways like dissolving in air, self burning etc…
_______________________________________ Do you know that we will judge angles? Do you know that the saints will judge the world? Corinthians 6:2-3 (C)Silent Hill
I tried this test also. Almost wasn’t surprised by results. Here they are:
You scored as Christianity. Your views are most similar to those of Christianity. Do more research on Christianity and possibly consider being baptized and accepting Jesus, if you aren't already Christian.
I’m already a Christian (Lutheran) baptized there and then where and when I wanted myself. But at the same time I feel much of Buddism and much of Vikings belief in my world-outlook. I even felt something special visiting Birka (the oldest Viking village found by archeologists). So, I'm not surprised with 83% of Buddism and 71% of Paganism Actually, I’m not surprised with results of the test. Almost not surprised. They coinside with my oun understanding of myself and my inner state of mind. What surprised me much is quite big % of inclination to Islam stated by test results. Perhaps I don’t know Islam at all… But all what I know of Islam makes my mind opposite to this religion. And the most unacceptable of Islam in my understanding is Islamic attitude towards woman and woman’s being. So, I reject those 63% and can’t understand where they are from (meaning my answers to questions). Next… Hmmm… Satanism… Actually I’m sure that I couldn’t be a satanist at any cost. But I guess a bit of Satan is included into each live creature That’s why all of us have got some % of Satanism whatever we answer
Actually don’t see any inclination to Judaism… Don’t know how did they found it in me…
Brute, interesting and wise interpretation of the Video. Coinsides very much with my own… Actually I guess and hope to be burned once. Even see how it could be done… Thank you Brute, Polina and Annette for birthday congratulations. Btw, it’s very interesting that after my answers for the test questions, where I’ve said that I’m in tune with nature, next day exactly in my birthday I’ve got a sign from the nature (or God?) – a great snowfall in Kiev on Friday. God (or Nature?) knows how much I adore snowfall. Actually, God (or Nature?) frequently send my signs
Last edited by Shadow (22-04-2005 20:39)
_______________________________________ "I'll take the shot for you/I'll be the shild for you/Needless to say - I'll stand in your way/I'll take the shot for you..."
I will talk and Hollywood will listen [RW]
22-04-2005 20:30
Dead Vacuumist From: Spb
Registered: 29-01-2004
Posts: 219
The God: you say! Hm, but it would have been very logical to suggest... If there're people worshipping to God, there might also be the ones, who would worship to Devil. However, I am making absolutely no point.
_______________________________________ I've locked my heart, I'll keep my feelings there I've stocked my heart with icy, frigid air And I mean to care for no one Because I'm through with love
Vacuumist in the Void Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527
The God wrote:
I can not imagine people whou truly adore Satan and pray him. Single cases of Satanism are usually insanes or stupid teens, listening extreme music.
Hm, then you should take a look at Rosemary's baby, a movie by Roman Polanski, from 1968. It is very vividly pictured in that movie
Last edited by Masha (25-04-2005 01:33)
_______________________________________ Bring on the clouds Let the raindance begin
24-04-2005 14:16
The God
Vacuumiracle From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007
Bagira wrote:
The God: you say! Hm, but it would have been very logical to suggest... If there're people worshipping to God, there might also be the ones, who would worship to Devil. However, I am making absolutely no point.
Well... Yes and no. The main taskof Devil is not to find strong adherents to worship to HIM (His Infernal Majesty).... He is supposed to seduce people from right way of serving God. It is enough for HIM. He posesses every soul that steps aside from virtue way without repentance. But it does not automatikally dub theese people as Satanists. Sinners? Yes. Satanists? No way. It's not my position, it's about to be a dogma in Christianity. Personally I do not beleive there is an Absolute Evil to seduce us every day. What we do wrong we do it ourselves. Theses are we who is weak and evil, severe and avid, blind and deaf. And the blame is ours and of no one else. I'd better stop it as it will bring me to one more paroxism of misanthropy...
_______________________________________ If you want to burn the witches - Here I am If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands
I see there is a lot of talk about Satanism, but no one (or very few) actually did any research on the subject.
The attitude towards Satanism very much depends on what you regard as Satanism.
Some Conservative Christians believe that if a person does not worship their God, then they must be worshiping Satan, because there are only two powerful supernatural forces in the world: God and Satan This would make the majority of the world’s population Satanists.
Some feel that the major world religions are not Satanism, however, a wide variety of unrelated small religions and practices viewed to be various forms of Satanism. Often some non-religious groups (as the Masonic order) are included. But these people don’t worship Satan and don’t call themselves Satanists.
Church justified its repressions during the Renaissance against such organizations by making up stories about them. And though these stories were based on real worships of the Christian devil, such cases were (and are) extremely rare and appear to be solitary practitioners, who do not usually form organizations.
I agree with The God that nowadays these are usually rebelling teens or madmen.
The other modern Satanists, like from the “Church of Satan”, do not worship Christian Satan; in fact, they have nothing to do with Christianity at all. Their Satan is an image of power, virility, sexuality and sensuality. Satan is a force of nature, not a living quasi-deity; Satan has nothing to do with Hell, demons, pitchforks, sadistic torture, buying people's souls, demonic possession, performing miracles, human sacrifices, cannibalism, and profoundly evil deeds.
Personally I do not beleive there is an Absolute Evil to seduce us every day. What we do wrong we do it ourselves. Theses are we who is weak and evil, severe and avid, blind and deaf. And the blame is ours and of no one else.
And I share this believe. (And this actually is a part of the “Church of Satan” believe system.) This is a position (or something close to it) that gave many people on this forum high score in Satanism in the test.
Personally, I dodge the question about religion by declaring myself Agnostic. (Though I am baptized and technically belong to Orthodox Christian Church.)
I am very pleased to see one trend in all answers on the forum: low scores in atheism.
Last edited by Lamia (25-04-2005 19:30)
25-04-2005 14:21
Vacuumist in the Void Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527
I took another quiz type like this and funny ... I got completely different results! I even never heard for some of these religions ...
1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%) 2. Unitarian Universalism (99%) 3. Liberal Quakers (98%) 4. New Age (88%) 5. Neo-Pagan (83%) 6. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (81%) 7. Mahayana Buddhism (79%) 8. Theravada Buddhism (77%) 9. Taoism (75%) 10. Bahá'í Faith (74%) 11. Secular Humanism (68%) 12. New Thought (65%) 13. Jainism (57%) 14. Orthodox Quaker (54%) 15. Reform Judaism (54%) 16. Scientology (53%) 17. Sikhism (50%) 18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (48%) 19. Jehovah's Witness (41%) 20. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (41%) 21. Hinduism (40%) 22. Nontheist (40%) 23. Orthodox Judaism (30%) 24. Islam (23%) 25. Seventh Day Adventist (18%) 26. Eastern Orthodox (11%) 27. Roman Catholic (11%)
_______________________________________ Bring on the clouds Let the raindance begin
26-04-2005 06:13
The God
Vacuumiracle From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007
Masha wrote:
I even never heard for some of these religions ...
Well, personally I like one religion I have read about in "Ronan" thrilogy by James Bibby. It was called "Church of Hedonists of Seventh Day"
_______________________________________ If you want to burn the witches - Here I am If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands