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The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007
What would you do to people who did it?

What is the right punishment for that?

What can be done to avoid it in the future, in other places as well?

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

07-07-2005 10:43
Sacred Vacuumist
From: Italy
Registered: 30-03-2005
Posts: 185
I'm quite shocked, I fear that Italy (who was beside USA in Iraq) will be the target for an attack sooner or later.
I hope that you're all well and that people in this forum weren't harmed in any way.
Let's pray for the peace, I don't know what to say in such situation.

I was born king and hero, I have seen more than most :king:

07-07-2005 13:28
White Queen
Shining Vacuumist
From: 80's
Registered: 14-05-2005
Posts: 631
I'm shocked and sad.... If the things continue to happen like that, I'll go to Somalia or other forgotten place....
I think there isn't a just punishment for the people who did it.... We certainly can't kill them, we have no rights to do that... But at the same time other punishments would be too slight.....
There's nothing can be done to avoid it in the future... Nobody can completely protect or assure other lives....

Ours is just a little sorrowed talk...

07-07-2005 17:12
Extreme Vacuumist
From: IMAX
Registered: 19-04-2005
Posts: 75
What would you do to people who did it? & What is the right punishment for that?
These people are not afraid to die to kill other people. I can’t possibly understand what they hope to achieve by the killings. No punishment is enough. I would let them live, but force them to live against all of their rules and believes. Make them utterly believe that in the afterlife they would go to hell and suffer for eternity.
What can be done to avoid it in the future, in other places as well?
Oh, I don’t see an answer for that. I wish I did.
It also depends on the scale you look at: an individual, a community, a country, the world.
As an individual, I simply try be a good neighbor. I try getting to know people who live around me, establishing good relationships with them. You can’t possibly be safe behind high fence, in your own little world, minding only your own little business. It’s not only about terrorism. No fence can protect you, but at least other people can console you.
On the world scale, I’m afraid terrorism would live at least until our world changes drastically. But I think that is what the terrorists are after. The only thing we can do, is make sure it doesn’t change the way they want it.


07-07-2005 18:08
The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007

Lamia wrote:

These people are not afraid to die to kill other people. I can’t possibly understand what they hope to achieve by the killings. No punishment is enough. I would let them live, but force them to live against all of their rules and believes. Make them utterly believe that in the afterlife they would go to hell and suffer for eternity.

good idea. Theese freaks are religious fanatics. Maybe the punishment should kill their faith?

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

08-07-2005 05:53

Registered: 15-06-2005
Posts: 5
I have absolutely no sympathy for  religious fanatics,  they deserve to die quickly so not to pollute this world even more.  In them there is no hope for betterment, they have lost every human quality the moment they started to believe; and when they turned fanatical, they became weak and sadistic animals.

Kill them, murder them if you have any love within you for your loved ones.  Decisions must me made by individuals, not by groups.

Sorry to put this a bit extreme, but this pisses me off to no end.

08-07-2005 06:34
The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
I fear that there is nothing that can be done to tackle fantics of any kind...... retaliate and we become just like them and for every terrorist that you kill another 2 will replace them.... this type of act is cowardly and barbaric and these people deserve no sympathy but how do you defeat an invisible enemy?

I still feel a little shaken as I have been travlling in and out of london every other day for almost a month visiting my sick friend in hospital... fortunately yesterday was a day I didnt visit as my journey would have passed through 2 of the terrorist attack areas... I feel very lucky but awfull fr the huge number of people who's lives will be scared and ruined forever because of this dispicable act....  There is a great feeling of unity in London although I have to say when I travelled into londn today it was very quiet and people are very obviously  frightened, but there is also a great feeling that life must and will go on and that we will not be intimidated by these people....  Thankfully nobody that I know was involved but my heart goes out to those families that have been torn apart...

David x

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

08-07-2005 07:32
The Terminator
Sacred Vacuumist
From: the nearest future
Registered: 11-05-2005
Posts: 124

Ghriska wrote:

I have absolutely no sympathy for  religious fanatics,  they deserve to die quickly so not to pollute this world even more.  In them there is no hope for betterment, they have lost every human quality the moment they started to believe; and when they turned fanatical, they became weak and sadistic animals.

Kill them, murder them if you have any love within you for your loved ones.  Decisions must me made by individuals, not by groups.

Sorry to put this a bit extreme, but this pisses me off to no end.

I agree with you in everithing.These people deserve only death

The father of machines

08-07-2005 08:49
The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007

Ghriska wrote:

I have absolutely no sympathy for  religious fanatics,  they deserve to die quickly...

You are too soft-hearted, my friend. Quick death? They do not deserve it. Slow agonizing one would be better for them. Much better.

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

08-07-2005 09:42

Registered: 15-06-2005
Posts: 5

The God wrote:

Ghriska wrote:

I have absolutely no sympathy for  religious fanatics,  they deserve to die quickly...

You are too soft-hearted, my friend. Quick death? They do not deserve it. Slow agonizing one would be better for them. Much better.

What would be the point of torturing them, what could be gained other than to satisfy your own twisted sadistic tendencies and thirst for revenge? Life is too precious to be wasted on the likes of them, every breath they take is an insult. The faster the better.

08-07-2005 10:43
White Queen
Shining Vacuumist
From: 80's
Registered: 14-05-2005
Posts: 631

Masha wrote:

Torturing of anyone is without excuses … If caught, they should be judged by the criminal laws. That is what makes a society civilized and not some mad primitive crowd thirsty for revenge …
It is not good to answer on sick things in a sick way. They should be punished according to the laws.

Completely agree with you!!! We can't humble ourselves on doing the same things which the terrorists do!! We would be like them if we'll try to  torture them.... We can't kill the people.... There's no way out on doing that....

Ours is just a little sorrowed talk...

08-07-2005 12:49
Extreme Vacuumist
From: IMAX
Registered: 19-04-2005
Posts: 75

Ghriska wrote:

I have absolutely no sympathy for  religious fanatics,  they deserve to die quickly so not to pollute this world even more.  In them there is no hope for betterment, they have lost every human quality the moment they started to believe; and when they turned fanatical, they became weak and sadistic animals.

I agree it probably is impossible to change people who are fanatic.
But the main point of punishment, imho, is to make the rest of them think, and be scared.
They are not afraid to die (or be tortured), that is why death is not a good punishment to stop the others, or make their numbers smaller.
The best thing would be to make them realize they are not doing a good thing and they are not going to be rewarded for it (in the afterlife or elsewhere). But that is impossible.
So we have to think of the way to take this reward away from them.

I think this is the point of a Legal system (simplified, of course):
Someone steals money, but he goes to jail and can’t enjoy this money. Others, who would steal otherwise, see that they won’t benefit from stealing and don’t steal. They did not change, did not become better. But the good people are safe.

If only there was a similar way to treat terrorists!


08-07-2005 14:30
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
I wish you can understand me correctly. I sincere condole to all citizen of London, but…
You were searching for the answer “How to stop it?” and I think that terrorism – is reflex of the sick world. It’s child-phenomena, child of the conquering and hegemony policy of some nations… violence is a reaction to the violence. You know, right now you are posting messages about killing people, but what was in Iraq or in Chechnya? Thousands of people died there by massive strikes of great army… don’t you think that it’s the same or even worth situation? Entire cities or even regions are lying in ruins just ‘cos someone wants to control the source of a “black gold”, or to demonstrate to the world the nuclear power on the weak and destroyed Japan at the end of war? Isn’t it a same terrorism or it calls “spreading the democracy”? What are the laws for the criminals at White House or at Kremel’?

Do you know that we will judge angles?
Do you know that the saints will judge the world?
Corinthians 6:2-3
(C)Silent Hill

08-07-2005 17:33
From: Valhalla
Registered: 24-01-2004
Posts: 576

Lamia wrote:

impossible to change people who are fanatic

But, people, you've forgotten where fanatism comes from… Where are roots of this phenomenon… Who (what power) nurses it…
Those fanatic are just stupid and miserable puppets in evil power hands… (Just don’t think, please, that I’m justifying puppets. No way.)
“Ïàíè äåðóòüñÿ – â õîëîï³â ÷óáè òðèùàòü” It’s a Ukrainean proverb, which could be translated into English approximately this way:
Lords are fighting – their serfs are bitten up.
I think politicians (from all sides) are guilty. The most dirty thing is politics. And unfortunately we all depend on it…

To David: Nice to hear from you that you are alright. My condolence to people in London. Stand firm.

"I'll take the shot for you/I'll be the shild for you/Needless to say - I'll stand in your way/I'll take the shot for you..."

:whistle: I will talk and Hollywood will listen :tongue:  [RW]

08-07-2005 17:35
From: Valhalla
Registered: 24-01-2004
Posts: 576
Brute, didn't you notice that we both posted similar judgements almost at the same time? Interesting coincidence...

"I'll take the shot for you/I'll be the shild for you/Needless to say - I'll stand in your way/I'll take the shot for you..."

:whistle: I will talk and Hollywood will listen :tongue:  [RW]

08-07-2005 18:54
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