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The Terminator
Sacred Vacuumist
From: the nearest future
Registered: 11-05-2005
Posts: 124

Masha wrote:

The Terminator wrote:

Well, Masha, my status here is Extreme.  and I would not like, that it changed, as it is true. As a last resort I would ask it to change on Superextreme.

Superextreme sounds good. Maybe Nika will consider it  :wink:

The Terminator wrote:

And about the faith...I already spoke, that I don't believe in any gods, but I believe in  myself and in the power of technics. Can you feel this power? :winky:

Oh boy … you are watching movies too much … you know about science and tech as much as The God knows about faith …  :rolleyes:

The God is the expert in questions of faith... As well as I in military technics

The father of machines

25-07-2005 03:25
The Terminator
Sacred Vacuumist
From: the nearest future
Registered: 11-05-2005
Posts: 124

The God wrote:

The song is called 'Angels&Demons' and it was written before I've read Dan Brown's book.
My favourite line is "Angels and Demons are echoes of us"....

And when it will be possible to hear a song entirely?

The father of machines

25-07-2005 03:29
The Terminator
Sacred Vacuumist
From: the nearest future
Registered: 11-05-2005
Posts: 124

Shadow wrote:

People ... where have you left your faith ...

Faith is so frail substance that it tends to be lost under pressure of militant sanctimony…  :tongue:

I'm sure with it

The father of machines

25-07-2005 03:30
The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007

The Terminator wrote:

And when it will be possible to hear a song entirely?

never. I'm too dumb to record smth :smile:
and I can not sing at all  :wall:

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

25-07-2005 05:08
Vacuumist in the Void
Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527

The Terminator wrote:

The God is the expert in questions of faith... As well as I in military technics

Oh, it’s a little unusual how such expert in military technics (and watching movies) like you finds time to hang on foruums this much …  In which specific tech area are you an expert?

Bring on the clouds
Let the raindance begin

25-07-2005 08:54
Vacuumist in the Void
Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527

Shadow wrote:

People ... where have you left your faith ...

Faith is so frail substance that it tends to be lost under pressure of militant sanctimony…  :tongue:

Dear Shadow, first, I thought you were a cultural person enough that when you quote someone you do it with his/her name … and second, about how strong faith can be …
Well, as you know Jesus gave Peter that name because translated it means rock, because his faith was strong as a rock …
So, it all depends on a person, some people have faith, some principles they won’t betray, and their would rather lose their life instead of losing that … some people are less strong, they are somewhere in between and depends on the circumstances how much they can hold (yes, it is frail as you say) … and some people, well it looks like they don’t have it at all …

I’m sorry but that’s what I see from the lines “ Nothing is sacred, souls are for sale”.

These sunny days I often spend my afternoons sea swimming, enjoying sunny beach days … and you know what I see … every life is sacred, that little crab on a sea bottom, a child playing in sand, Love is sacred … and no matter how life reality tries to convince us in the opposite … we should never give in, become faithless and forget … even if life does so that we lose it all …

Bring on the clouds
Let the raindance begin

25-07-2005 08:58
The Terminator
Sacred Vacuumist
From: the nearest future
Registered: 11-05-2005
Posts: 124

Masha wrote:

The Terminator wrote:

The God is the expert in questions of faith... As well as I in military technics

Oh, it’s a little unusual how such expert in military technics (and watching movies) like you finds time to hang on foruums this much …  In which specific tech area are you an expert?

In the modern weapon, Masha :tank:  :shoot:

The father of machines

25-07-2005 09:47
The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007

Masha wrote:

So, it all depends on a person, some people have faith, some principles they won’t betray, and their would rather lose their life instead of losing that … some people are less strong, they are somewhere in between and depends on the circumstances how much they can hold (yes, it is frail as you say) … and some people, well it looks like they don’t have it at all …

I’m sorry but that’s what I see from the lines “ Nothing is sacred, souls are for sale”.

It is quite strange for me that you start discussion about separate line without reading whole text.
I can say for sure that you understand it incorrectly.
It was about our world, that becomes more and more faithless and moralless. About reign of money, power of vile passions. And finally about weakness of people to consider that someone else is responsible for their fate, their life, their sins.

Minds are in fever and hearts are in cold

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

25-07-2005 09:55
The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007

The Terminator wrote:

In the modern weapon, Masha :tank:  :shoot:

Have you read 'Deception point' by Dan Brown? There's an interesting info about some modern secret weapons.

Last edited by The God (25-07-2005 10:02)

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

25-07-2005 10:01
The Terminator
Sacred Vacuumist
From: the nearest future
Registered: 11-05-2005
Posts: 124

Masha wrote:

Dear Shadow, first, I thought you were a cultural person enough that when you quote someone you do it with his/her name … and second, about how strong faith can be …
Well, as you know Jesus gave Peter that name because translated it means rock, because his faith was strong as a rock …
So, it all depends on a person, some people have faith, some principles they won’t betray, and their would rather lose their life instead of losing that … some people are less strong, they are somewhere in between and depends on the circumstances how much they can hold (yes, it is frail as you say) … and some people, well it looks like they don’t have it at all …

I’m sorry but that’s what I see from the lines “ Nothing is sacred, souls are for sale”.

These sunny days I often spend my afternoons sea swimming, enjoying sunny beach days … and you know what I see … every life is sacred, that little crab on a sea bottom, a child playing in sand, Love is sacred … and no matter how life reality tries to convince us in the opposite … we should never give in, become faithless and forget … even if life does so that we lose it all …

Masha, you are the philosopher. However, faith -  is not religion. To trust it is possible in different things

The father of machines

25-07-2005 10:04
The Terminator
Sacred Vacuumist
From: the nearest future
Registered: 11-05-2005
Posts: 124

The God wrote:

Minds are in fever and hearts are in cold

The God, you are right. People are weak in his faith. But Masha speaks more about exceptions, than about rules

The father of machines

25-07-2005 10:13
The Terminator
Sacred Vacuumist
From: the nearest future
Registered: 11-05-2005
Posts: 124

The God wrote:

The Terminator wrote:

In the modern weapon, Masha :tank:  :shoot:

Have you read 'Deception point' by Dan Brown? There's an interesting info about some modern secret weapons.

No, God, I did not read it yet. Are you advise?

The father of machines

25-07-2005 10:16
The God
From: Heaven
Registered: 22-06-2004
Posts: 1007

The Terminator wrote:

No, God, I did not read it yet. Are you advise?

I read it now and I like it much.

The Terminator wrote:

faith -  is not religion

Exactly! Faith is higher than religion. Religious people are often weak, but faithful people are always strong.
There's a thin line between theese concepts. But it is crucial.

BTW, the borderline between dark and light sides of Moon is called 'terminator'. Did you keep it in mind while choosing your nick?

Last edited by The God (25-07-2005 10:59)

If you want to burn the witches - Here I am
If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face
If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck
If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands

25-07-2005 10:58
The Terminator
Sacred Vacuumist
From: the nearest future
Registered: 11-05-2005
Posts: 124

The God wrote:

BTW, the borderline between dark and light sides of Moon is called 'terminator'. Did you keep it in mind while choosing your nick?

No, in my data there was no this information. Thank for the information, my friend. Actually for me it's very symbolical

Last edited by The Terminator (25-07-2005 14:12)

The father of machines

25-07-2005 14:10
Vacuumist in the Void
Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527

The God wrote:

It is quite strange for me that you start discussion about separate line without reading whole text.
I can say for sure that you understand it incorrectly.
It was about our world, that becomes more and more faithless and moralless. About reign of money, power of vile passions. And finally about weakness of people to consider that someone else is responsible for their fate, their life, their sins.

Well, hm, aren’t you with these lines
“Angels and demons are playing their games
I’m just a pawn, you’re just a pawn”

claiming just the opposite : we are pawns = we are not responsible for our lives, fate, sins. Angels and demons are responsible for that, we are pawns in their hands while they play their games…

In these lines you are describing the point of view of faithless people as a truth, a rule, instead of writing your own truth. Write a song of your truth, that is inside of you, point of view of a person who has faith inside ( if you say you have it ) instead of  writing a song from a point of view of a faithless person … I don't understand how can you say nothing is sacred ?

Isn’t for example truth sacred ? Don’t you value honesty ? Isn’t honesty a principle you try not to betray ? Isn’t that part of you faith ?

Why don’t you give a glimpse of how it is in a world of a person who has faith … like for example Vacuum always did … remember “ these are dreams of heros, these are dreams to be alive …”

A person who has faith is not a pawn, nor he feels like that. He is a hero, who would rather die instead of betraying that principles he is having inside...

The fact is that everyone always writes from its own perspective … that’s why I said people, where have you left your faith …

I would really like that I misunderstood you, but these lines just aren't saying that  ... It’s very late now  …  sleep well  :sleep:

Last edited by Masha (25-07-2005 16:37)

Bring on the clouds
Let the raindance begin

25-07-2005 16:12
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