Vacuum Music Foruum / "Bodies without organs" in german TV
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Message Pages: 1
High Vacuumist
From: Frankfurt am Main / Germany
Registered: 10-02-2004
Posts: 25
Hi Vacuum-Fans,

last sunday was in a german live-TV-show the band "Bodies without organs".
I was amazed as I saw Alexander and Marina. Strange, that he was never with Vacuum in the german TV or Radio! Who knows why? Army of lovers was too, but never Vacuum.
Maybe Anders Wollbeck can reach it now, that Vacuum comes to Germany too...



08-07-2005 03:10
Ulysses Vacuumist
Registered: 24-08-2005
Posts: 342
I saw BWO on TV at the "Ballerman Hits Show"on RTL channel.They sung song "Conquering America". It was so amazing, Martin was so handsome!!!!!I have video cassete with recod of this concert. :-)

When love gets strong
People get weak
Sometimes they lose control
And wind up in too deep...

27-08-2005 04:58
Ulysses Vacuumist
From: Moskva
Registered: 23-04-2005
Posts: 376
I don't think that it's strange...  May be they just did not have time on it...

Life, Freedom, Love.

29-08-2005 04:50
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