Vacuum Music Foruum / Your whole life HAS been leading up to THIS
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Extreme Vacuumist
From: Stockholm | Sweden
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 65
Yes, I have heard the test version of the song before, but yesterday Mattias sent me this new one. I think it kicks ass! :winky:

-:|:|:- I am one in a million, but everyone's the one -:|:|:-

26-03-2004 15:03
The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
I agree... I have listened to the new version  a lot now and its MUCH more in the style of vacuum than the previous test version which was more accoustic..

david xx

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

28-03-2004 20:05
David Haglund
Sacred Vacuumist
From: Sweden
Registered: 04-03-2004
Posts: 133
I agree too. :-)

I also heard the new version of this song, and as I wrote on VacuumNet today, this is a vast improvement over the demo I've heard. In one word: Depeche Mode.

Extremely modern and I just love the added synth samples, of which I can actually identify at least one sample as taken from DM.

David Haglund

Cut off my nose to spite my face

31-03-2004 03:32

Registered: 01-02-2004
Posts: 5
Brute wrote:"New V/acuum’s album should be absolutely NEW and absolutely V/ACUUM’S! "

So I have a question to all who heard the new songs: will the album be ABSOLUTELY Vacuum's album? As we can see, the old style was change (new version of Culture of Night, Fools like me, Ripples on the surface etc or video for the Starting). Can we expect this tendention in future, or Vacuum still be the old good Vacuum that we all loved and still loving now? :lovevac: I read in some messages that this songs are so Great, so Beautiful... But are they also vacuumish or this is a beauty of new style?   :pity:

12-04-2004 10:25
From: Canada
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 167
To Mattina:
Unfortunatelly it will not be an "old good Vacuum that we all loved and still loving now". For sure it will be "a beauty of new style" ... :sad:

12-04-2004 22:20
David Haglund
Sacred Vacuumist
From: Sweden
Registered: 04-03-2004
Posts: 133

Mattina wrote:

But are they also vacuumish or this is a beauty of new style?

It's a little bit of everything, I would say. Some of the music is still very Vacuumish with a nice electronic sound and strings, but the sound is updated with guitars and more modern production (please remember that it's has been quite a few years since the last album).  :guitar: The lyrics are not quite as "spaced out" as before, they are now more bittersweet and melancholic.

For me, there are hints of old Vacuum, A-ha, Depeche Mode and Erasure in the songs.

/David Haglund

Cut off my nose to spite my face

13-04-2004 04:17
The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
A perfect description David... :biggrin: .....  I think people should not listen to the new album with preconceptions of what Vacuum sounded like before....  For me this is a new begining so expect a few suprises.... I guess that who Vacuum are now you could say THIS is the FIRST album.... and as with anything new you should listen to it with an open mind... I really can't understand why anyone would want vacuum to sound in 2004 like they did in 1998???  Depeche mode sound today NOTHING like they sounded in the early 80's and neither do any artists who have had lond careers..... Evoloution is the key to success, maybe these new songs will change all your minds.. I hope soas my heart and soul are locked in the NEW Vacuum, that isn't to say that I don't listen to the older songs... but when i listen to those songs now they sound kinda dated compared to the fresh new sound...  It will be very interesting to hear pople here's views when they get the chance to hear the album, as with anything new.. there will be some who like the changes and some that don't.. but for me people who want to hear a more dated sound now have BWO to listen to, and although i like the song Living in a Fantasy it IS dated sounding and rooted in the late 1980's.  People seem to feel they need to defend Alexander here everytime somebody says something positive about the new vacuum sound....  Alexander has NOTHING to do with Vacuum now...  and I would hate to see this foruum split into 2 groups with no room for discusion and growth as in most of the AOL forums that always seem to slide into war when somebodies opinion differs from their own :shoot: .. Your faith in vacuum will not be misplaced.... :heart:

david x

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

13-04-2004 07:22
Anatoly Ivanov
From: Saint Petersburg
Registered: 15-02-2004
Posts: 978
Once I listened the sample of "Your Whole Life..." I can't stop singing this words the whole day!!!

22-04-2004 12:22
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
2 Aniv
Me to! Nice melody, isn’t it?   :whistle:

Do you know that we will judge angles?
Do you know that the saints will judge the world?
Corinthians 6:2-3
(C)Silent Hill

24-04-2004 03:31
Anatoly Ivanov
From: Saint Petersburg
Registered: 15-02-2004
Posts: 978
MORE than nice, Brute! Much more!!!

24-04-2004 05:39
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
Yeah, I agree with u!
But I'm disappointed a bit... with "We Are Dead"... I liked that Hard version which was performed on Chaika....
Actually, I hoped that W&M will use more guitars and make more hard music... well... I was wrong, but this style isn’t bad at all!

Do you know that we will judge angles?
Do you know that the saints will judge the world?
Corinthians 6:2-3
(C)Silent Hill

24-04-2004 17:03
Anatoly Ivanov
From: Saint Petersburg
Registered: 15-02-2004
Posts: 978
I didn't personnaly heard any other versions of new songs. So I can't say what has happend with music of "We're Dead"

But it would be very good if Vacuum made some harder songs. Perhaps, something like Big Ideas Grand Vision (one of my favourites)

25-04-2004 01:11
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
IMHO, it would be great to syntheses hard guitar and melodic electronic… Actually exactly in that way “We Are Dead” was performed on Chaika : ))

Do you know that we will judge angles?
Do you know that the saints will judge the world?
Corinthians 6:2-3
(C)Silent Hill

25-04-2004 01:52
Mr. Belarus
From: Minsk
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 4461
Íàðîä! À âàì íè÷åãî íå íàïîìèíàåò ïðèïåâ? Îäíó êîìïîçèöèþ, ñòîëü ëþáèìóþ â îñîáåíííîñòè ðóññêèì íàðîäîì?

Vacuum sings: Your whole life has been leading up to this...

Tom Jones sings: Sex bomb sex bomb you my sex bomb...

:) :) :)

Search 10 differents!!!

Êîíãåíèàëüíî, mr. Anders Wollbeck!!!!

Last edited by Àëåêñ (27-04-2004 11:03)


27-04-2004 11:00
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Anatoly Ivanov
From: Saint Petersburg
Registered: 15-02-2004
Posts: 978
HEY, people!

Alex is right!!! There's really something equal in the choruses of these songs!

Especially the beginning of chorus:

Your   whole     life     is
  ||        ||        ||      ||
Sex    bomb,   sex   bomb

27-04-2004 12:02
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