People from Sweden (many of them) don't listen to Vacuum & many other worldwide popular Swedish groups... They say that such groups as Vacuum, Army of Lovers, ABBA, Roxette, E-Type..... do not deserve to be so popular as their music is "cheap" & lyrics are primitive; that their music is just for discoteques... Many Sweeds prefer American groups or those Swedish groups that are popular only in Sweden... I just wonder how can people dance disco-dances listening to "Six Billion Voices" or "Sign on the Skyline"? and are the lyrics of "Backstreet Boys" or Britney Spears more wise than Vacuum's lyrics???
_______________________________________ ~ Daughter of Virtue & Vice... ~
Это как в анекдоте: Ну вот на луне нас нет.А там холодно,темно и пусто. Так что всё относительно.
_______________________________________ I take back every stupid word I said It wasn't really me How do I feel? All messed up... But, come on, who is not?
People from Sweden (many of them) don't listen to Vacuum & many other worldwide popular Swedish groups... They say that such groups as Vacuum, Army of Lovers, ABBA, Roxette, E-Type..... do not deserve to be so popular as their music is "cheap" & lyrics are primitive; that their music is just for discoteques...
It's so interesting for me to look at eyes of people, who says that lyrics and music of Vacuum and AOL are primitive. I think it's primitive people who says that...
Да не. Это чушь всё. Про АББУ я давно слышала, что их музыка считается примитивной. На самом деле примитивизма я не вижу. А уж в АОЛ и подавно его нет.
Что ж тогда не примитивно? Сейчас на всех гонят - модно это.
_______________________________________ All secrets u will find Beyond the human mind.
*** I dunno why Europeans (not only Sweeds) are so obsessed by everything that is American but they are...
*** Those people have never read AOL's or Vacuum's lyrics. They say that all that groups are commercial & that means they are primitive.. It's easy to criticise without knowing the subject...
*** ABBA has become the symbol of Sweden; not those bands that were singing about struggle for peace... Wars are still going on. But ABBA is the symbol of Sweden.
_______________________________________ ~ Daughter of Virtue & Vice... ~