I agree with Milady completely. My friends from other countries told me lots of times, how it's hard to watch the discussion when it turns to Russian language. I don't mind about Russian language on the forum. But as I said in foruum rules: IF THE POST IN ENGLISH - KEEP IT IN ENGLISH. Maybe it is difficult for someone, but at least RESPECTFUL to the topic starter. Also, some time ago we talked with Mattias about forum for Vacuum People. He had just one wish: all topics just in English. No Russian language. At that time I asked him not to divide Vacuum community on 2 forums and made a rule for foruumists to not switch English topics to Russian. I just can't understand, why you don't want to observe such a simple rule.
Yes, and according the topic. I voted for the third option. Cause I remember more interesting and offbeat songs from Vacuum. But if there were just 2 options (WOTS or Only Human) in the voting, I would vote for WOTS. It contains lots of drive!
всегда зе бест)))любое творение ихнее резонирует почему-то.многое изменилось, но это тфу,тфу, тфу осталось.))
_______________________________________ воздух вдыхая грудью- мы пролетим столетья, и разрисуем солнце красками в стиле free! мы своим мыслям судьи, счастье стегаем плетью, но догарая сердцем- полностью не горим...
sorry dear Milady)))next time i will try.but i don't think that someone will anderstand me.
_______________________________________ воздух вдыхая грудью- мы пролетим столетья, и разрисуем солнце красками в стиле free! мы своим мыслям судьи, счастье стегаем плетью, но догарая сердцем- полностью не горим...
i will vote for WOTS, it's more interest for me to listen, as Milady wrote it's more drive yes, want to dance and be crazy. OH more calm, and not really rocks me.
А я за Only Human проголосовала...Хотя мне обе песни очень-очень нравятся! Просто WOTS я уже переслушала наверное... И почему нет варианта "обе"? Тогда бы не пришлось лучшее из 2-х лучших
_______________________________________ But as long as hope survives i stay alive...