Уточнил - бы, а то, знаешь, очень похоже на текст Прешез Депешей
Хорошо, щаз исправлюсь.
А вот полный текст песни:
The Spirit ((c) Gamma Ray, 1991)
We follow our instincts, we're livin' in between, The struggle of the races continues on the scene. A million miles above us the spirit is unseen, Beyond our small horizon it's got a perfect dream.
We travel through the ages, we follow our dreams But the spirit of a free world is the final dream.
The sun, the wind and water is all we really need, We waste our time to satisfy our greed.
We travel through the ages, the world remains obscene But the spirit of a free world is the final dream. We're about to lose control now, the prophecy is clear, Does it help to sigh and hope with sentimental fear? S.O.S. no more lifeboats here.
If I could ask the Maker about the master-plan Could He give an answer, would I understand?
Our ignorance will drive us on, the world remains obscene But the spirit of a free world is the final dream.
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а воть если она не в инете???А я просто с компа её всавить хоЧу!!!
Присоединяюсь к вопросу Алины!! Как вставить сюда картинку если она не в интернете а на винчестере? Предусмотрена ли такая возможность в принципе или нет?
You could say to the universe, this is not fair. And the universe would say: Oh, isn't it? Sorry.