From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
al, I thought it’s possible to understand meaning of few words “is” – Present time “has been”, “was” – Past… Bard now doesn’t create genius music… but long time ago, while standing in Vacuum he did. I’m glad that Vacuum stayed without Bard’s influence. = I’m glad that Vacuum wasn’t turn to Alcazar. I did explain it, in “theory of Bard’s mind” (joke about the theory’s name). “So you were so glad Bard has left Vacuum that your bad attitude has formed???? //cool! comments ...” 1st As I was (and perhaps, I’m) a “kid”, I believed in story about “Bard don’t want to get on a stage anymore, he prefers to stay in studio”… and so on. And when I knew that he still “on the stage” but with another band… 2nd As I know, all who writes here in this topic more like Vacuum than Alcazar, is it right? And “Living in the fantasy” can’t compare with any of the Vacuum’s song. ( special for al-wizard, I’m talking not about V/acuum now), so, it means that Bard has lost his talent, he spoiled. (In my eyes) “What about everything he's done already, during all his life, is it still not enough for you?” It’s not enough for you! You’re a crying that Vacuum has changed! You are saying that Mattias couldn’t go on in the same manner, as Bard did! Who is confused by typing “favorite band” and “bull shit” ????
_______________________________________ Do you know that we will judge angles? Do you know that the saints will judge the world? Corinthians 6:2-3 (C)Silent Hill
I think i'm gonna post my last post here today. I just had to say my thoughts and thoughts of many people, some of them asked me to do that befor, some of them told me "thank you", and some of them just join my thoughts but prefer "not to waist time" or "not ot be mixed with shit" (in "" - i put somebody's exact saing, not mine), I decided to be mixed with everythihg I mentioned above and to experss different opinion then "cool, bravo, and so on ...". I think, those thoughts will stay here for a while or even for long time, and everybody can read it and think in case they want it or need it. I personally think my small like mission is over and i would like to say to all of you my friends good bye, my best wishes to all of you. It was interesting, really interesting ...
My special thanks to: 1. Shadow regarding music. I know I should think about listnening to and learning melodies in proper and some different way, since now. Regarding my personal skills i'd rather not say at my shame. 2. Brute for English lesson. Since now i can imagine exact difference between past and present times.
Dear Al-Wizard, I completely (as I think) understand what you are talking about –I guess about Vacuum of 1998 has died… Yes, today’s Vacuum music is different as it used to be in the past. Believe me, we all loved that Vacuum with Alexander! And we appreciate all that things he did for the band. I think Bard is uncommon personality and I respect him for being clever, kind and cool persone. I think it’s nobody fault Vacuum 1998 doesn’t exist any more: everything has to die in order to start a new life (everything: look around you –a man dies to be born again but in a new body with a higher spirit, a grain dies to give a new life to the flower….). Vacuum of 1998 died to be born again now: and all of us saw that painfull process. Now I feel Mattias moves Vacuum to a new higher spiritual level: his music is more alive, more light, more pure and divine! Lyrics is more phylosophic, we can find much more real love, kindness in the words. Yes, there is much more suffering and heartache in the songs too, but it’s because a persone realizes his/her mistakes, sins, wrong actions/words/thoughts and this makes him/her sad, this leads to confession, purifying of the soul. And to my mind Mattias through his music makes people thinking on “how I lived my life”, “fools like me must change”, “not completely happy with myself” and many other usefull thoughts that move us to a higher spiritual level! I know people for whom Vacuum is their religion, Mattias is a master sent from up above! They get inspired by his words. They respect him and tends to be like him. It’s not like he is their holly idol, definitely not! They understand he is just a human, so he can make mistakes But these people had been searching for something that can satisfy their spiritaul hunger. And they found Vacuum! I think it was not all about “perfect music and lyrics by Bard”, but that was more because of the leading singer! These people felt in Mattias’ voice that something they had been searching for! As time passes by Mattias has changed for better for sure:biggrin: and now these people are double-happy: they have Mattias’ voice and they have his own music/lyrics!!! Vacuum now is the best thing in their lifes. Imagine once more that all Vacuum songs were sung by another vocalist: would you like that? Would it touch your heart? I don’t think so at all. There are a lot of great music and great lyrics but without a soul, that feeling inside it’s not much as “great music and great lyrics”. Vacuum is the instrument of Evolution, it has the power that will never die- LOVE. And Vacuum helps us to keep “our state clean”, it flyes us higher! Al-Wizard, please don’t hurry up in the conclusions: Vacuum is working hard to give us the best album ever! Give Mattias a chance to make you come back! Vacuum family needs you! Anyway, we respect your point of view and thank you for being HONEST! I’m sure you will find what you’re searching for!
From: Saint Petersburg
Registered: 15-02-2004
Posts: 978
Vacuum had been staying just Vacuum'98 for so long! It's time for the rebirth. It's great they make something new now even if it is absolutely different from previous works.
All people here! Do you remember that Vacuum consisted of FOUR members from the beginning. At this topic I have found huge amounts of "Bard" & "Mattias". At some posts - "Wollbeck"... But where is MARINA & her influence on Vacuum??? How quickly you forgot her!!!
To Al-W: When you have got nothing new to post, it'll be, probably, better not to post at all for some time than to say the same things 6 or more times.
I completely agree with Sveta Pleskachova in all. Many thanks for you! I have decided nevertheless to express here my thoughts. And it will be only my option. Frankly speaking, it’s very painful for me to read this nasty thing on the Foruum. I got to know Al-Wizard’s point from the chat long time ago. About new songs of new Vacuum.I liked very much the song “Queen”. Although some people on the Foruum called it plastic music for the mobile telephone. But my opinion: a song is great, but very sad, even suffering one. Here Al-Wizard tells Mattias doesn’t sing but cries. But how not to cry from the pain if the evil of this cruel world passes through your heart, tearing it into peaces by the iron thorns. And you have to smelt this world-wide evil into Love inside your wounded heard and give it back to the world. These high beings have such vocation, that’s why they come to our world by their own free will. They are very unprotected, easily to be wounded and suffer from the abundance of evil, hatred, envy, meanness. Al-Wizard himself didn’t notice that the flock of elephants passed upon his ears, since he writes he can’t remember the melody of “Fools” and other songs of Mattias. Though he is very proud of his conservatory education. For example, I can remember the melody of Fools since the first time and for all life, though I haven’t graduated from any conservatories. Generally, it’s difficult to contradict something to Al-Wizard because of his musical education and professional musical occupation. This makes people reading his messages to respect him. But, Al-Wizard sometimes speaks the truth. For example, he tells the music of today’s Vacuum is like the music of BG, but this is the great compliment for Mattias! Here I completely agree with Shadow. Music and words of Grebenshikov are perfect, bring the Light, Kindness and Love. And one must be very spiritual being to understand them and realize them right. Many people call BG –Guru, he is very wise man and praised genius Bard is far from him like from the sky. BTW, I also feel music and words of BG are similar to those of Mattias, even the behavior and the attitudes to the world are similar in some way. And Al-Wizard is correct that Mattias will be a kid till death. He is that one. And the Bible says: be like children and you will enter the God’s Kingdom. So, Al-Wizard and other people badmouthing Mattias haven’t spiritually grown up to his songs. And unfortunately won’t grow up soon. They are too ignorant, rude, inertias in order to understand so alive, sincere, spiritual songs (I’m very sorry). They call Mattias’ music too simple, child like, but don’t forget that everything genius is simple, that the truth speaks by a child’s mouth. For example, the films of Tarkovsky are very simple ones and full of God. I realized that in Mattias’ songs there is no proud feeling, what all Bard’s songs were full with; but it’s Love and Sacrifice the main parts of them. Songs of Bard were often “too beyond one’s understanding”, but Mattias’ songs are wise and pure. Bard likes to be cunning in thinking on, and this is senseless action, leading to the deadlock. Bard absolutely doesn’t believe in Love and God and has no moral values, he lives for current entertainments. All of this can be clearly understood from his book “Netocracy”, which one I have read. Al-Wizard says Mattias profanes the name Vacuum created by Bard. But nobody from the people creates anything, only God, and the name Vacuum was given from above to the band with a reason. Moreover, Vacuum is not only a scientific statement, but it’s everything in general, God. VACUUM is LOVE. That Love that is Divine Energy, but not a chemical reaction, sexual attraction or egoistic attachment. That’s why the word Vacuum includes ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, and Mattias has a right to sing about everything and not about science and cosmos even if some people really want this. The name suits a lot to the band now, and it would be a big mistake to change it. In the end I’ll say that I feel pity for these ignorant people started the baiting for Mattias, because they don’t get what they are doing, keeping on believing in their own mistakes. But, I hope, that they spiritually will change sometime. The song "Fools" has very deep wise sense. " On a day like this, fools like me can change " - these words about all of us.
It is very a pity, if my words were offensive to somebody. I AM VERY SORRY!!!
Goods, Light and LOVE to all of you! And happy Easter! Sincerely Yours
I was diligent as citations collector to answer all the things I disagree with. And now when I finished reading I do NOT want to answer on all that citations one by one. Just few things you have forgotten:
1. There's NO new albums since 1998. 2. How can be word "Vacuum" connected to words "Love", "God", etc.? Huh? THERE'S NO SUCH WORDS NEAR THE WORD "VACUUM". Vacuum is an absolute absence of everything. Cleanliness! 3. How can you judge Al-wizard's professional thoughts while having NO MUSICAL EDUCATION and be proud of its absence? 4. How can you allow sophisticated perversions with a corpse of Vacuum-98? One more theme to the Backstreet Boys-like collection: "Love as a snotty cries" instead of perfect electro-clear thoughts. 5. How can you say about project's evolution when it is THE END of UNIQUE project? NeoVacuum is quite far from Uniqueness. I have heard THOUSANDS OF TIMES about "leavin' somebody's deamons" but NEVER about "I saw the light shining in glory like satellites bright. [Dominum diaboltronicum con pandemonium diaboltron]". 6. And the last thing I wanna remind you: ex-Vacuum was The Group Of The Year '98 in Russia. I can hear "I breathe" from radio-stations sound nowadays but I CAN'T HEAR "Fools like me".
No matter of the side, you all are THE LAST FANS OF DEAD PROJECT. There are too few people who really need NeoVacuum. There are too few people who really believe in Vacuum'98 rebirth.
Of course, I should write this message much early, but… I wonder, DID YOU LIKE ANYTHING ELSE IN CLASSIC VACUUM BUT MR. LINDBLOM???? Surely, voice played great role in project, but it’s only 1 element of the band!!! Don’t you think that VACUUM is (though, it better to say “was’) union of divine harmonies, melodies and arrangements, perfect powerful back-vocal and lead-vocal, highest spirit and idea!!! And it was the union of most talented musicians too! Now, EVERYTHING has been lost! Even voice has changed! They became as others, easier! I don’t understand at all, why did you like previous VACUUM?! Some of you say that it’s evolution, but I can’t see any improvement. Now, you say, Mattias & Anders have grown as composers. But on what base? While working at their projects? You say, music got more emotions, but don’t you think that emotionless was the special feature of VACUUM, which opened heart and filled it more feelings than anything else. You say, now Vacuum is more closer to Msttias nature, but I don’t want to see/feel his inside in music! I need SPACE (hope many other people too)! Haven’t you get tired of such great amount of lovesongs on the Earth? Well, all these changes to the wrong side were done only for commercial proposes to get world success. And remained members of the band don’t take care that it has become the ordinary European one. I’ m almost sure that nobody won’t notice Mattias’s vocal skills, if they haven’t noticed it before. Some words about Alexander. Well, it seems to me that his and Marina’s leaving the band made you happy, cos nobody disturbs you to admire you beloved Mattias any more!!! I guess, he left the band cos he tired to resist Mattias. You blame Alexander, but he is still GRAND! He is musicrat and we are only consumers. But we all ought to be grateful for VACUUM & all that he had done in music. You may not agree, but it’s reality which makes me suffer cos in whole Universe there will never be anything better than VACUUM any more! Life is full of disillusionments and only VACUUM kept me (sure, not only me) alive. It has shown another world and made to believe in human power! VACUUM was born to change mankind, to bring it on higher level by beauty of music, but they didn’t realize this mission. They just stopped though there are so many things to sing about in VACUUM’s format. And the last. Mr. Lindblom, if you read this, PLEASE, leave VACUUM along, cos it has been dead for a long time! Please, don't not profane brighten memory of the most great band! Don’t waste your talent! It’s time for your own music career under your own name! Don’t you think that it would’ be much more successfully to turn into classic music to show the world that you are really THE BEST VOCALIST!? Oh! there are so many ideas, thoughts and feelings in me, and it’s so difficult to express them verbally and much more difficult to write. It’s really “so sad sad situation”.
ÊÀÑß, It's amazing! I completely agree with every word that you've wrote. I can't believe in such a perfect thoughts unison. You are absolutely right, you have found the great words to describe the sadness - we have no SPACE since '98. We are suffering cause we are experiencing absence of absence. We really need that emptiness and space, we really need that trancegalactic power. And how can we allow such a transformation from "I was born King and Hero" to "Fools like me", from the "Study the stars" to "C'mon and take me home", from "I made a friend" to "As you love me, baby trust this"???
I still can feel the power from the stratosphere, I still an illuminated one, I can find the beauty and the truth in outer space, and in industrial sights, and in science, and in hymns to humanity. But someone, who really can change this sad situation will never do it. He do not need any fans. He was not a right person from the very beginning. Vacuum was doomed to be spoiled.
This theme in foruum is not a discussion, it is funeral.
2Everybody: And stop that flame about any type of evolution. ÊÀÑß's RIGHT: It is a regress. Mattias must change the name of the band cause word "Vacuum" is a WRONG word for his internal world that he want to show us so much.
By the way I had a talk with Mattias about Vacuum plans approx. year and couple of month ago... He said: "We are planning to make music from the Heart"... He was so right. How could I assume that Vacuum and Mattias have different Hearts even Mattias is a face of Vacuum?
They decided to meet for coffee, and then they composed Ride the Bullet in 5 minutes! At least that is what Wollbeck told me himself when I met him a few years ago.
yes, sometimes it really seems that some of the best songs were made just like that : suddenly , without planning !
Thanks for telling all this !
And ... having returned from holidays ... it's nice to see some new people (who think like me) showed up here ...
At least, I think we all agree that Vacuum has changed, which is the proof that Vacuum was not only Mattias voice ... because if it was, nobody would notice any difference now ...
As some of you already said similar, I don't think Vacuum will have the attribute of transhuman band anymore ... it will be more "only" human ... and as it is changing its nature ... maybe it should have changed its name ... because Vacuum was very specific band and maybe its name should stay associated to that specific music ...
_______________________________________ Bring on the clouds Let the raindance begin
For long time I’ve been trying to define whether I should write this… OK. I think I must…
I’m not going to sing odes or send curses… If you read my previous posts you might notice that I do my best to avoid any pre-judgements. Only after listening the entire upcoming Vacuum album I’ll be able to judge if I like it and whether Vacuum spirit remains there (I just hope it will be so). I myself try not to prejudge and appeal to you all to avoid such a wrong way. Keep some patience and then decide if you like or dislike new Vacuum. (Perhaps someone will say me that I’ve said it many times already… But how many times this appeal sounded here from different people, another part persists on severe verdict although they didn’t listen finished album. It is exactly prejudgement.)
Next I must go on with quotation as always (to be correct and convincing).
ÊÀÑß wrote:
Dear ÊÀÑß, personally I love in classic (as you classify it) Vacuum everything. Each component was important and excellent without any exclusion.
ÊÀÑß wrote:
Some words about Alexander. Well, it seems to me that his and Marina’s leaving the band made you happy, cos nobody disturbs you to admire you beloved Mattias any more!!!
First of all neither Alexander nor Marina prevented anyone to admire Mattias They always directed the light upon him everywhere. So, your conclusion is funny and without any ground. The second… I myself wasn’t happy of their leaving the band… I just understand that there were some causes in view of which they have left, and I accept it as inevitableness… I just hope that two persons from former Vacuum who still stay in the band have enough strength to lead this band.
ÊÀÑß wrote:
You blame Alexander… But we all ought to be grateful for VACUUM…
I never blamed Alexander. I just don’t think that there is any sense to create an icon from his figure. And I always tried to show people that they’d better go down to the earth and look at him with more sobriety (not picturing him as something exclusive and fantastically heavensent). He is that same clever and talented as many-many other artists. And there are much more significant among them. (Íå âåëèòå êàçíèòü çà òî, ÷òî ïîêóñèëàñü íà âàøó «ñâÿùåííóþ êîðîâó» ) And sure – I’m really grateful for Vacuum. He created a grandiose musical project. And just for this he deserves our gratefulness. But he’s left it for the mercy of fate… Nobody could drive him away from Vacuum (I guess). It was apparently his own decision… So, what are you talking about?… He’s left and that was his right… Next… Vacuum had to sail without him.
So much rebukes were sent to present Vacuum concerning the style… And you even come to thinking that Mattias prevented Alexander to make that music (and Alexander has left just because of it – you say…). It’s funny to hear. Bard was a master of Vacuum those times and he had all rights to do that type of music what he wanted. He stopped. (I don’t think that he was weaker than Mattias and could surrender. And if you proclaim such statements, it does not speak well for your adorable Alexander. So, when you are going to say something to his advantage, think twice how it might sound really ) So, he stopped. Look at all songs written by Bard and recorded by Alcazar etc… Do you really hear there anything close to Vacuum (as it was with Bard)?! I don’t hear. It’s quasi-AOL’s stuff. If Bard wanted to create music in Vacuum style (and Mattias prevented him to do it in Vacuum, as you persist on your statements), he had a lot of opportunities to create that music with another his project. He had and has a lot in his hands. If he’d wanted he would did it.
I even think that Bard was quite wise to stop… My conception is - he understood that he’s said everything he could say in Vacuum style with two Vacuum albums and came to decision that next will be just self-repetition… He perhaps has found that it’s enough – that grand blow of cosmic wind sent him to masses with Vacuum he created, and the next blow might sweep weak minds off
Many times some of you blame Mattias that he doesn’t create music of former Vacuum… You charge him with apostasy… You, guys, forget one simple thing: Mattias is not Bard. Even M.Lindblom+A.Wollbeck are not A.Bard. You can’t understand that they create music, which goes from their creative spirit. If they would try to make what you are longing and grieving for, it would look secondary (even as plagiarism perhaps). And I’m afraid you, maybe, would laugh at them, saying that they can’t do themselves. I guess they are also quite wise to escape that risky way. (Imagine – it’s not that difficult to gather all brilliant exorsistic words, which Bard liked to use in lyrics, and construct another bunch of songs full of pathos. Some of you do it easyly as I could notice.)
With your claims to Vacuum you show how firmly you are built on ideology. You put much more meaning into things, which don’t contain so much meaning. Just playing on words… Can’t resist a temptation even to paste one quote: Built my life on ideology Get the principles right Turned myself into a parody…
That’s all. Yours as always
Last edited by Shadow (13-04-2004 20:35)
_______________________________________ "I'll take the shot for you/I'll be the shild for you/Needless to say - I'll stand in your way/I'll take the shot for you..."
p.s. I’m sorry for one Russian sentence in my post. The approximate translation of it is: Don’t execute me for encroach upon your “sacred cow”.
_______________________________________ "I'll take the shot for you/I'll be the shild for you/Needless to say - I'll stand in your way/I'll take the shot for you..."
You have forgotten one thing while you were telling about any possible prejudgements. You have forgotten that the analysis can exist! The analysis of past six silent years, the analysis of present singles... Nothing good can starts from such a weak roots.
2. Nobody tells that new direction of Vacuum must die! But using word "Vacuum" in personal interests is a cheap trick. If you CAN'T or DON'T WANT to start where the story ended you must be correct enough to not allow using of old-fame to yourself.
At last! ÊÀÑß said the open truth. It's great ("she was too brave")! I have the same thoughts when I listening to the new single. Usually I read here only the posts of Mattias's fans but not really Vacuum's fans - so it seems to me. I completely share ÊÀÑß's opinion, but also I waiting for a new album with hope that it will be closer to "SPACE" we need like ÊÀÑß wrote.
Dear Simargl, You say Vacuum is the absolute absence of everything, the absolute emptiness. And that the word Vacuum isn’t connected to God, Love. Let me not to agree with you about this. Modern scientific discoverings in physics have shown that the Physical Vacuum is not the emptiness of everything but the full presence of everything. Vacuum is Absolutely Everything. Vacuum is the Reason of Everything. All visible matter, the substance is the manifestation of the united environment of Vacuum. Famous world known scientists come along to the thought that the Physical Vacuum is the earlier form of the matter. Also the Absolute Vacuum is the matter’s condition that is the most fulfilled with the energy, has the highest level of the density. Visible matter, our physical world is the smallest part of the Absolute Vacuum. In every point of the Absolute Space of the Absolute Vacuum there is a subspace of the world which is like our Universe or completely different from it. There are endless numbers of these subspaces but all of them are the manifestations of the Absolute Vacuum. Absolute Vacuum has the Absolute Consciousness; without the earlier Consciousness all that Great Picture of the Creation seems to be absolutely unreal. We can observe only the smallest part of this picture like our visible world, our Universe. It’s absolutely impossible that our world had appeared by a chance, it’s physical laws that are too favorable for the existence of the organic life. Scientists have proved that if the physical constants differed from the real ones even only a little, the organic life would be impossible. Moreover, even if the kinds of the main physical interactions would be just different. That’s why it’s obviously there is the conscious Reason, the Spiritual Beginning, through which everything has appeared. Absolute Vacuum is also the earlier Consciousness, like in the Buddhism the Consciousness and the Emptiness are the properties of one Substance, and one apart from another can’t exist. That’s why Vacuum is conscious from its beginning. All scientists of the world say the Reason and the Creator of Everything is Vacuum. Spiritual schools of the world call this Reason, this Creator – God, Absolute, Universal Mind, Great Breathing. Spiritual schools say everything is God, everything exists in God, everything is a manifestation of God, there is nothing beyond God. Scientists from their side say that everything is Vacuum, everything exists in Vacuum, everything is a manifestation of Vacuum and all modern physics is the physics of Vacuum, the only Object that really exists. Isn’t this an obvious parallelism? But God is Love! God is the Conscious Love. God loves endlessly all his manifestations, He can’t do in an other way, it’s just the way He exists. Love is the quality of God, because of it He creates. There is no separation into kindness and evil in the God’s level, but there is only Love, Endless and Eternal Divine Energy. So if that thing which spiritual schools call God and scientists call Vacuum is the same one Substance, and it’s really obvious, then the expression is right: “Vacuum is Love.” What is the Divine Love? It’s not that human feeling of attachment, passion, sexual attraction, what was called love by people, but it’s the All-included Energy. The Divine Love expresses itself in the sincere wish, being ready to give all away even life, without demanding anything in return. It’s Love to the whole world, the full acceptance of everything even death, all-forgiveness, joy from every minute of life. Love is the understanding that everything is God. The highest form of Love- Love for your enemies offending you cruelty even killing you. An enemy is the manifestation of God too. This Love was declared by Christ. It’s pity but Bard doesn’t believe in love at all, he is an egoist, but the Divine Live is about altruism. And only Mattias’s heart loving everyone and forgiving everyone can be a Heart of Vacuum. That’s why it’s very cruel to make the funerals for the alive being which has been risen again recently with a new quality, the band with a divine name Vacuum. We have to give a chance to this being, it’s weak yet but it’s getting stronger with every passing day. Mattias couldn’t ruin Vacuum which was left by everybody. He could only save the band, well that was what he really did with hard efforts. Vacuum has moved with the evolution, and has become more spiritual, sincere, pure and simple. I said once that everything genius is simple, we have just to open our heart and to feel this genius and divinity. Old Vacuum was cold and logical, new Vacuum is warm, light, high and alive and that’s why it’s suffering in the darkness of the ignorance around it. You can get to know about many scientific explanations, physical and cosmic theories, parts from scientific works and spiritual studies explaining Vacuum at the site, Department Articles and Research, “Vacuum-the name given by the science to a God” . Maybe this will help you to understand what is Vacuum in the reality. And some words about the musical education. There are a lot of famous musicians who don’t have a special education, for example, Poll McCartney, Vangelis, even Bard and many others, and this circumstance doesn’t prevent from writing a good music. That’s why the most important is a good ear and a talent. By the way Mattias has the musical education. And many people can easily remember and even sing new songs of Vacuum, and it doesn’t depends on whether they studied music or they didn’t. Though Al-Wisard says there is no melody and harmony in the songs. Maybe he just doesn’t want to perceive Mattias’ songs for some reason? And the last thing: thanks for the link to the cartoon about BG. It’s funny and can’t offend BG at all.