Vacuum Music Foruum / Greetings from the UK
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Jeux des Feux
Shining Vacuumist
From: Balchug Kempinski ;)
Registered: 20-05-2006
Posts: 669
Hello David, Hello Masha, nice to see you here! =) Don't be shy to talk to foruumists - many of them speak English fluently! =)

"Know by Now" is my FAVOURITE song among the new ones! I LOVE it!! =)

I prefer the old Vacuum sound & style actually... :)

~ Daughter of Virtue & Vice... ~

01-06-2008 04:50
Vacuumist in the Void
Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527
Thank you all for response !  :klev:  I know you talked about everything already in russian, but we can't get some picture from posts in russian, like being "in dark"  :blink:  ... so it's really nice if you could share your opinions in english here too ( if you can ...)  :flower:

nukleopatra wrote:

.... maybe a poll would be a good idea?

I think it would  since we don't have such poll already and there are different opinions ... and I wouldn't put it as some counter in order to prove something  :varag:  (let's leave such atmosphere in past  :smile: I guess we are all if not Presidents then at least older and somewhat wiser By Now  :winky: )
Just to make some overall picture of our wishes and expectations of the style of new album since it's open to varius possibilities like in the style of:

- slow songs like My Friend Misery, Know By Now
- dynamic ones like Open My Eyes

And maybe separate polls
: electonic sound or not electronic sound
: high voice or  low voice

What do you think guys? Suggest some options for these polls   :paint: , if you are interested, I'm not sure I found right words for possible options !   :smile:

Last edited by Masha (02-06-2008 03:36)

Bring on the clouds
Let the raindance begin

02-06-2008 03:28
Vacuumist in the Void
Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527

Milady777 wrote:

I asked him lots of times to reconsider his point of view concerning this song since many people really like it!

Would it be toooo much to ask for the lyrics ?   :blush:  (I just love the song, I would just like to sing it along  :whistle: correctly  "taking my time ... heaven can wait ... saving my prayers ..."   :whistle:   :smile:  )

Bring on the clouds
Let the raindance begin

02-06-2008 03:47
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