Vacuum Music Foruum / Greetings from England
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Message Pages: 1
The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
Just a hello to all my old friends here on this site if any of you are still around.... new home   new job and living in a different part of the country now and everything took a lot longer to get settled than I thought..... if there is any english discussion left here I'd love to join you all again..... and a new song to discuss :lovevac:  :lovevac:

Love to my special friends here,.. you know who you are and hope to catch up with you all soon.

:heart:  :heart: xx

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

17-06-2009 14:21
The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
I think its quite sad that this forum has almost become exclusively Russian speaking and that with over 100 views nobody could be bothered to post something in this thread....maybe this place isn't the place that it used to be...   hopefull there will be a forum soon for European and engliash speaking fans....


I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

21-07-2009 14:15
Кавайные Ушки
From: Russia, Volzhskiy
Registered: 11-12-2004
Posts: 1257
Sorry =(
We hope too.
And never tell russian speaking fans about this forum... >_<


21-07-2009 15:38
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