Vacuum Music Foruum / WHAT are YOU expercting from the new Vacuum album??
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The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
OK.. I am preparing myself for a good stoning here but here goes....

What are you as vacuum fans expecting from the new album.... I have ben a HUGE and massive and loyal vacuum fan since the begining and i think mattias has one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard... BUT   I really do not like the move towards more accoustic sounds... The thing that attracted me to Vacuum was the UNIQUE electronic almost otherwordly feel to their music... The way they made machines sound romantic and passionate.. for me there are a thousand accoustic bands that all sound the same.... and i don't want vacuum to sound this way...  I really hope that the nw album is spectacular as mattias promises but I also hope it is a return to form and that the album is promoted and marketed properly... I would hat to see the end of vacuum but I really feel that this is the last chance.....  I am so looking forwqard to the new single and anticipation is high.. but i also hope that a different treatment has been given to the song... we will have to wait and see,,,,  If anyone feels the urge to attack me.. please stop and think first as this is a democratic forum where we can aall voice our OWN opinions and behave like adults... There was enough mud throwing and name calling on the vacuum net site and look what has happend to that.. The one thing we all have in common is that e all love Vacuum but we must remember why we first liked them in the begining and how ever much we love mattias nobody is above a little criticism..

I BREATH.... David xx

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

25-01-2004 08:08
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
Well, you have a chance with the BWO. I have some negative feelings to all of the BWO members. I heard "It's Easy" and I like it more than some things of early Vacuum. I am expecting a strong, powerful, new, live, beautiful music.

Do you know that we will judge angles?
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Corinthians 6:2-3
(C)Silent Hill

25-01-2004 14:42
Mr. Belarus
From: Minsk
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 4461
×òî çà ïåñíÿ "it's Easy"&


27-01-2004 06:33
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From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
“It’s Easy” – is “experiment” as Mattias says. It’s not accomplished yet. V/acuum’s performance on Chayka 5 festival started by this wonderful, brilliant, perfect, genius song! You can find some information bout it by reading fans reports from Chayka. I hope “It’s Easy” will be included to new Album.

Do you know that we will judge angles?
Do you know that the saints will judge the world?
Corinthians 6:2-3
(C)Silent Hill

27-01-2004 13:06
Vacuum Music
Registered: 11-01-2004
Posts: 558
Generally speaking, "It's Easy" is not called so (as Mattias said). And I am very interested, what is its real title.. Maybe it is that "Queen" from the backside of the single? Brute, when you listen to the new album, will you tell me, what what the song we call "It's easy"?

But, continuing the topic of Nukleopatra (Àëåêñ, òû äîëæåí áûë ñäåëàòü îòäåëüíóþ òåìó äëÿ ñâîåãî âîïðîñà!), I would expect from Vacuum something like "The Plutonium Cathedral", but if it is not possible anymore, then... ok, "strong, powerful, new, live, beautiful music".


27-01-2004 13:51
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
Of course I will. I think if "It's Easy" will be in that album you can recognize it by listening chorus of it.

Do you know that we will judge angles?
Do you know that the saints will judge the world?
Corinthians 6:2-3
(C)Silent Hill

27-01-2004 14:10
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
By the way, SV/etlana, what do you think about "It's Easy"?

Do you know that we will judge angles?
Do you know that the saints will judge the world?
Corinthians 6:2-3
(C)Silent Hill

28-01-2004 11:49
Shining Vacuumist

From: Moscow
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 677
Hello anyone! I think, that the new album is made in completely new style. Probably it is not necessary to expect, that we shall see that similar to old Vacuum. I wait beautiful music, beautiful lyrics.. Everything, that basically always accompanied Vacuum. I expect surprises! :wink: And ofcourse, Mattias's voice. Interestingly as its voice and as it will sound in new songs has changed.

28-01-2004 13:29
Dead Vacuumist
From: Spb
Registered: 29-01-2004
Posts: 219
Honestly, I'm expecting more from the new BWO album than from the new 'Vacuum' album. But let me say, it's going to be a set of sensible songs, music coming up from a man's soul. Will I listen to it? I'm not sure: too much pain expressed in the lyrics and in the voice. The old synth, which will not hurt me, I hope to find in the new Alexander's project.

I've locked my heart, I'll keep my feelings there
I've stocked my heart with icy, frigid air
And I mean to care for no one
Because I'm through with love

29-01-2004 16:55
From: Valhalla
Registered: 24-01-2004
Posts: 576
We all are expecting for beautiful melodies, for deep and wise lyrics. Keeping hopes that adorable voice is still that same divine as before.
I guess that almost every Vacuum fan would sign up under this statement.

Those who can’t stand anyone’s revelations (whether in music/lyrics or in public postings like forums etc) should look at themselves before ;-) (People often allow selves something and deny anyone else that same. Forgetting that we all are equal under this sky.) And we must respect a creator’s decision. Who dislikes any kind of music is just free not listen to is. That’s it :-)

Anyway, I think we’d better wait for releases and then we might judge…
(Again it’s only my own point of view and I don’t mind to read anyones comments on the subject of audience’s expectations :-))

Sincerely yours M :-)

"I'll take the shot for you/I'll be the shild for you/Needless to say - I'll stand in your way/I'll take the shot for you..."

:whistle: I will talk and Hollywood will listen :tongue:  [RW]

29-01-2004 21:11

Registered: 01-02-2004
Posts: 5
As for me I'm waiting something like an OLD Vacuum, but us far as I can see it is impossible; so, I pray this album will contain MORE nice songs alike "Starting" or "It's easy" and LESS stupid songs alike "Fools like me" - it is awfull, it can be called "vacuum's song" only for a joke!

01-02-2004 12:35
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757
All of us have right for own opinion. But I disagree with you. "Fools" is a beautiful song.( but I Like "It's Easy" more than it)  By the way, does anybody knows the final version of it? NO! So you shouldn't say about it till you hear it.

Do you know that we will judge angles?
Do you know that the saints will judge the world?
Corinthians 6:2-3
(C)Silent Hill

01-02-2004 13:27
Vacuum Music
Registered: 11-01-2004
Posts: 558

Mattina wrote:

"Fools like me" - it is awfull, it can be called "vacuum's song" only for a joke!

Oh, I don't like this song too.. The lyrics text is not very interesting for me (sorry), and I don't think, it will change for the single. Maybe if Mattias is managed to arrange the song in "Starting" way, it will be good enough to hear. That version he had performed at StarsFactory-3, for example, was... not Vacuum's song at all.  :unsure:
PS. Welcome to the forum, Mattina!


01-02-2004 14:49
From: Silent Hill
Registered: 13-01-2004
Posts: 757

Mattias wrote:

. I will give You the name of one of the new songs on the
    album. "We're dead (it's beautiful). So, now You can stop the speculating. The song will be on the album!

Hm-m-m-m... Is that song is the first Chaika's song..? :wacko:

Do you know that we will judge angles?
Do you know that the saints will judge the world?
Corinthians 6:2-3
(C)Silent Hill

12-02-2004 23:15
High Vacuumist
From: Frankfurt am Main / Germany
Registered: 10-02-2004
Posts: 25
Hi David and the other fans,

you wrote in this topic: "I would hat to see the end of vacuum but I really feel that this ist the las chance."
What do you mean? I think, when the new album will be released in Germany too, the band can enlarge their publication. And I´m sure, then they will have many more fans, because Vacuum-music is more fantastic as all you can hear in the radio. :mellow:

To Svetlana: I don´t think that Mattias should put his life-history in the songs from the new album.
Who wants that everybody can hear his (anyone) personal events?
But the lyrics from the Vacuum songs are really better than others. They are mysterious and not like the stupid babbling in many songs from today.

Now a question to all: From where do you know already the new single? I have read that it will be released at 25. Feb. :rolleyes:
And can you tell me a date of releasing the new album???

Greetings from Germany

:music:  :music:

13-02-2004 06:50
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