Vacuum Music Foruum / Personal opiniions and disagreements
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The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
Just a quick word my friends..... I noticed that again sometimes the atmosphere is getting a little hostile..... PLEASE we are all adults and love  to have our democratic views and opinions.. so lets respect the differing views and opinions of others without making personal comments or insults... nothing specific.. just a general request..   We don't want to scare off all the new members that we will surely have once the new album is released.... :claps

I know sometimes its difficult to stay cool when you read something that you dont like or disagree with but I have seen so many forums disintegrate because of fighting...

Our administrator works so hard here to bring us this fantastic site and we should not make her job more difficult.. she has enough to do without being our mother also  :newbaby:

Soon hopefully there will belots to discuss and lots to look forward to..


david x

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

10-06-2004 09:07
Shining Vacuumist

From: Moscow
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 677
I completely agree with nukleopatra. It is wonderful foruum, which allows us to state the opinion, and to communicate with each other! Nika, thank to you for it!
Let's be friends:flower::flower:

10-06-2004 10:22
Extreme Vacuumist
Registered: 10-06-2004
Posts: 84
Yeah, SURE!

10-06-2004 11:59
From: Valhalla
Registered: 24-01-2004
Posts: 576

nukleopatra wrote:

I noticed that again sometimes the atmosphere is getting a little hostile..... PLEASE we are all adults and love to have our democratic views and opinions.. so lets respect the differing views and opinions of others without making personal comments or insults... nothing specific.. just a general request..
I’m sorry, David… I must specify in case if just anyone needs me here.
A couple of days ago Àëåêñ(from Minsk) has made a very rude remark concerning female state of mind (and even called it unbalanced). He has broken the rules of the forum, which rules he approved and wanted so much himself.
I persist he to apologize in public (that same in public how in public he’s made an insult) for his behavour and try not to fall into the same pit once more.

Why I’m so stubborn? I explain now. In case if he’s got away with that scurvy trick, many of us will know – whoever can call any of you here (on the forum) a sort of histerical person just because of differing your points of view, and no matter you are insulted… The insulting message may be just deleted after reading it by hundreds of foruumists, but the churl isn’t even blamed and is not going to apologize.
Each your statement may be called as stupid of blind fanatic, you may be called an idiot… And if you’ll just try to defend your personal dignity, you’ll be called as a scandal-maker. The best for you what could happen is just deleting the message insulting you. But just after a lot of people read it (and some of them lustfully grinning).

I exactly persist Àëåêñ to apologize here in public for his insulting remark. I persist he to refrain from that nasty mode of discussion if he is a true man as he considers himself.      

nukleopatra wrote:

We don't want to scare off all the new members…
Yes. Exactly in order all members (old and new) not to be scared that their sincere words might lead to insulting them with impunity I’m doing here my ultimate attempt to get a result. It’s not only me who needs such a result. Each foruumist needs it. And Àëåêñ himself too.
And I deliberately do it here in public in order all foruumists see the result and make their own conclusions.

Thank you, David, for all your nice words and for your attempts to ease the atmosphere. I just think that if we let things pass their own way we hardly will come to good results.
Anyway, I’m grateful that you’ve started this topic. I myself hardly would start just anything here anymore… And due to this topic started by you I have this opportunity to make my ultimate attempt. Thank you once more.

Sincerely yours

Last edited by Shadow (10-06-2004 19:19)

"I'll take the shot for you/I'll be the shild for you/Needless to say - I'll stand in your way/I'll take the shot for you..."

:whistle: I will talk and Hollywood will listen :tongue:  [RW]

10-06-2004 19:15
The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
For Shadow :grouphug:

David x

I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

11-06-2004 00:21
From: KIEV/
Registered: 30-05-2004
Posts: 313
I'm not in this foruum for a long time but I think that it's great! There are many interesting topics and interesting people there! Thank you all!

We travel different roads, but we are still the same

11-06-2004 13:42
Mr. Belarus
From: Minsk
Registered: 23-01-2004
Posts: 4461
Peace,friendship, bubble-gums  :)

Last edited by Àëåêñ (14-06-2004 05:47)


14-06-2004 04:03
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Vacuumist in the Void
Registered: 25-03-2004
Posts: 527
and I would add this... whenever we notice that atmosphere is becoming little hostile, we should remember that we all gathered here because we have ONE , but important thing in common : we are all Vacuum fans !

I'm starting with myself ... I'll try to remember more often these lines from a rap song :

"Actions have reactions, don't be quick to judge
You may not know the harships people don't speak of
It's best to step back, and observe with couth
For we all must meet our moment of truth"


Bring on the clouds
Let the raindance begin

14-06-2004 04:34
The Sacred One
From: england
Registered: 20-01-2004
Posts: 330
Well said Masha,

sometimes in the heat of the moment it is easy to fire of an attack on someone and also in some cases to make that personal... but it is also better sometimes to take the higher ground and stand back and say nothing.... fuel makes the fire burn more fiercely,, as humans we are all different and some people on here make a huge effort to post in English and for that i am grateful and sometimes its easy to misunderstand what people say... so if we all think before we open our mouth this forum will be a great place to be for a long time and also Nika will save a fortune on headache pills :lol:  :lovevac:


I've said I believe that the world is a ship
and the sea that it sails is a cloth with a rip
and the cloth is still tearing and rotting away
with the children who play with tomorrow TODAY....

15-06-2004 09:51
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