I don’t see Mattias’ and Wollbeck’s pretensions to perform themselves as great philosophers. They just create in their natural manner with open hearts.
Well, I don't understand what are you arguing about . Didn't I say the same thing :
"to me it seems it was not its intention to deal with any philosophy … it’s more individual expressions … "
You have very hasty reactions ... you immediately started to defend Mattias by starting to say your low opinion about Bard .... I don't mind that you have such opinion about Bard, everybody has the right for his/her opinion ... and please, don't you "darling" me. No need for that.
_______________________________________ Bring on the clouds Let the raindance begin
To Алекс: I still listening to Army and Alcazar, I love 'em much more, than BWO. And I absolutely agree with you, that some songs of Army and Alcazar had deeper sense than Vacuum's ones in present time. But, I wanted to say Bard's trying to give to his philosofic thoughts just musical accompanyment or, for example, to make musical version of "Netocracy". Even Alcazar free of Bard's influense is making songs with texts that correspond to their style. Old Vacuum had very deep sense - so deep, it was very difficult to touch the bottom of meaning. Now Vacuum is greater as music, it's became more understendble, more emotional and not so cold. But I LOVE 'em both!!!
Last edited by sycamore (05-02-2005 16:22)
_______________________________________ "So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Him..." (Luke 19;4)
Shine On is No.1 ... brilliant lyrics, music and singing performance !!!
Shine On is propably the best Alcazar's song as he copies Mattias' way of singing. Seems that Bard had it done since Vacuum times, written for vocal by Mattias. That's why it is differs much from other Alcazeltzer staff. The rest is cheap pop...
_______________________________________ If you want to burn the witches - Here I am If you want to throw the stone - Here’s my face If you want to pass the judgment - Break my neck If you’re looking for a justice - Cuff my hands
and please, don't you "darling" me. No need for that.
OK, non-darling.
Masha wrote:
you immediately started to defend Mattias
He doesn’t need me to defend him anyway. He can defend himself without my humble efforts. And first of all by his own creativity. All what I’ve said before wasn’t meant to defend anyone or to humiliate anyone else. It’s just meant to show what I see and understand. When you rapturously proclaim Bard’s “philosophy” I can’t resist temptation to show how much it contains of pseudo…
_______________________________________ "I'll take the shot for you/I'll be the shild for you/Needless to say - I'll stand in your way/I'll take the shot for you..."
Я вот у нас в городе в книжном магазине как-то видела творение Барда "Нетократия" , хотела было приобрст, но меня остановила высокая цена, а в библиотеке пока нет этой книги.